LIVE Webinar with Rebbetzin Smiles
Let Birchos Hashachar make your days filled with Hashem's Presence!
The shiur is given LIVE once a week, on Tuesdays at 10 AM EST (5 PM Israel time, 3PM UK time).
All subscribers also have access to the recordings.
Time of shiur: Tuesdays 10 AM EST
Cost: $15 per shiur
Registration deadline for each session: Tuesdays, 9:30 AM EST
Start date of series: Tuesday, March 24th
Number of sessions: 20 sessions
Single Class Registration
Rebbetzin Smiles builds her shiurim with masterful craftsmanship. Each piece fits neatly into the next like a set of measuring cups. Each cup is filled to the brim with sources. When you get to the last cup you’ve not only unlocked wondrous new learning, you also have a powerful take away for your own life. Just like a good recipe tastes best when prepared with love, every student of Rebbetzin Smiles feels the love she has for Hashem, Torah and every single talmida.
My "captivity" became much brighter because of your class! I feel like a kid in the proverbial candy store because of the opportunity Hashem has gifted me to learn from you in real time.
Morning blessings are an important part of my life, especially in the past 13 years that I have been saying them together with the women of the "Ohel Sara " Amen group in Lawrence New York. What a privilege to be able to learn them in depth with Rebbetzin Shira Smiles, a favorite teacher of mine who has a special gift of elucidating difficult concepts in a way that makes them accessible and applicable to real life.