Final Fire – the 3 weeks
Posted onWhat should we do during the 3 weeks. one idea
What should we do during the 3 weeks. one idea
Tehillim 10 – A Lamentation for a Corrupt World
Tehillim 8 – What is the Human Being? A Little Less than the Angels
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Heller-Gotleib discusses the mourning period of the 3 weeks
Bridging the gap between our love for money and Hashem’s love for us. Can these two desires possibly merge? Find out in part 4!
Architectural Astonishment
Earning a living more valuable than awe of G-d – that just can’t be! It’s not even a mitzvah!? Find out in this last segment of Part 3.
Sources sheets:
Introspection Imperative
A fascinating in-depth analysis of work’s relative holiness in Hashem’s eyes. Is it up there with Tefillin or more similar to eating and sleeping? Most importantly – does this distinction make any difference to our approach to our time in the office?
Sources sheets:
If life is about Torah and mitzvahs, why did Hashem design a world where work consumes us? Is work also a holy mitzvah, like tefillah and Torah?
Sources sheets:
Tehillim 6 – The Power Gift of Tears
Tehillim 5 – A Prayer in the Darkness
2 men or 12
What the division of the Torah into Five Books reveals to us
about the way Hashem leads the world, the Jewish Nation
and our own life journey.
“Shmot – Creating a Nation Unlike Any Other”
Bringing it all home! How to integrate what we’ve learnt so far into tangible change. Practical tools to transform your approach to work.
Remarkable Reward – Parasha Behaalotecha
Jaw dropping, eye popping clarity on the powerful, insatiable drive for money that lies inside everyone… even a tzaddik.
Sources sheets:
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller -Gotleib discusses the Shavout Holiday
Why was a mountain put over us at Sinai?
The drive for money…a side show in the Torah or does it take centre stage?
Sources sheets:
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Tehillim and Shavuos
A general overview of Sefer Bereishis.
Relationship with Hashem
The first of a 3-part section, investigating a crucial question with brutal honesty: Why do YOU work?! This motivation is explored initially via self reflection and then through Torah sources that affirm and deepen our understanding.
Sources sheets:
Why is the whole book called Sefer Shmot when names are only discussed very briefly?
Just how fundamental is business in the eyes of the Torah? Or is it important at all?
Sources sheets:
In this class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the Meron Trgedy