Tehillim 39 – The Silent Cry of the Suffering Mortal
Posted onTehillim 39 – The Silent Cry of the Suffering Mortal
Tehillim 39 – The Silent Cry of the Suffering Mortal
What does it take to create light out of darkness? Comparing Chanukah and Purim.
In this Chanukah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the miraculous oils
In this class Rebbetzin Heller- Gotleib discusses the battle of Chanukah the physical and spiritual battels
Tehillim 33 – An Anonymous Song – Natural Law vs. Miracles
Tehillim 30 – למען יזמרך כבוד ולא ידום – Reviving – A Song for Chanuka
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heeler- Gotleib starts the 6th Perek in Mishlei
Sefer Vayikra: Why are Korbanot mentioned so many times,
when we can’t offer them today?
Spark of Eliyahu Hanavi
Sefer Vayikra: An invitation to the inner sanctum.
Mitzvah Mindset
Lech Lecha
the window or was it a rock?
Tehillim 24 – מלך הכבוד
Tehillim 19 – The Illumination of the Sun and of the Torah
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the holiest day of the year
Yom Kippur
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller- Gotleib discusses the month of Elul and how to do Teshuvah
Mizmor Ladavid Ori
For the new year, when I can’t change the consequences of my mistakes.
we are special. Fundamental Ideas …
Tehillim 12- The Perilous Power of Perverting Language
Hashem wants my heart, my love, sincere service – surely not a service motivated by money? Isn’t my love of money a substitute and an obstruction to genuine love of Him and His mitzvahs?
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