Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 28

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This video is class 28 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

In this question and answer session on issues concerning contemporary Jewish women, Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller answers real questions sent in by Naaleh’s female members on various topics. Some of the questions in the class address issues like community service, deciding whether or not to move to Israel, and how to give mussar with sensitivity.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 27

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This video is class 27 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

In this question and answer session by Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller, Naaleh’s female students from all over the world send in their questions and quandaries. Rebbetzin Heller answers questions on women in Tanach, how to deal with difficult parents, whether one should move to Israel without financial means to do so, how to explain tzniut to one’s daughters, among other issues.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 24

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This video is class 24 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses contemporary challenges facing Jewish women today, as she responds to questions sent in to her from Naaleh studnets around the world. This class discusses complex family relationships, the Torah’s perspective on worldwide tragedies, tzniut, husbands and wives on different spiritual levels, and understanding why we were created, among other topics.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 23

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This video is class 23 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller answers real questions sent in by Naaleh’s female students from around the world. Some of the topics discussed include how to prepare children for Shavuot, remaining grateful to Hashem in situations that are not ideal, how to become a vatran, the nature of a kiddush Hashem, music composed by non-Jews, and the Torah attitude towards physical beauty.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 22

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This video is class 22 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

In this Torah shiur (class), Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller answers real questions sent in by Naaleh’s female students across the globe. This class includes questions about men drinking on Purim, how to present Pesach to children, the truth of the mesorah, explaining why Jews eat meat even when animals seem to be poorly treated, how to talk to pre-teens about boys, and other contemporary challenges.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 21

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This video is class 21 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

In this Torah shiur (class), Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller addresses real questions sent in to her from Naaleh students across the globe. Some topics discussed in this class include whether we should be using kiruv techniques when educating our children, how to increase Jewish unity, and helping one balance individuality with respect for others differences.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 20

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This video is class 20 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

In this Torah shiur (class), Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller addresses real questions sent in to her from Naaleh students across the globe. Some topics discussed in this class include whether we should be using kiruv techniques when educating our children, how to increase Jewish unity, and helping one balance individuality with respect for others differences.