Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 38

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This video is class 38 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

In this question and answer session,Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller addresses the challenges and concerns of Naaleh students across the globe. This class talks about how to use one’s talents within a Torah framework, balancing the self-actualization of a career and the satisfaction at easing one’s husband’s financial burden with the guilt of leaving one’s children, what to think when the brachot of Rabbonim seem to go unfulfilled, and other important hashkafic questions.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 36

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This video is class 36 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller answers real questions on contemporary issues sent in by Naaleh members throughout the world. This class addresses the challenge of shiduchim, handling chutzpah in children, natural childbirth, kollel life, tefilla, and other topics. Rebbetzin Heller responds to each question with compassion, wisdom, and clarity.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 35

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This video is class 35 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller answers real questions sent in by Naaleh students around the world. This class addresses the pain of being childless, improving one’s self-image, how to send questions and requests for brachot to great Rabbis, the issue of family planning, and how to encourage young children to daven, among other topics. All questions are answered with Rebbetzin Heller’s inimitable wisdom and wit.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 34

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This video is class 34 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

In this question and answer session with Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, Naaleh’s students from around the world send in philosophical and practical questions on topics ranging from how to eliminate bad thoughts, to the correct way to recite Perek Shira, including questions on raising children, relationships in a marriage, and the significance of rain in Eretz Yisrael. All of the questions are addressed with Rebbetzin Heller’s inimitable humor and understanding.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 33

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This video is class 33 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller addresses contemporary questions and issues sent in by Naaleh’s students from around the world. This class includes a discussion of how to balance work, chessed, and family, helping children adjust to a parent’s second marriage, teaching children about davening, and juggling different types of Shabbos guests. All issues are addressed with warmth, humor, and wisdom.

Contemporary Issues

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman, Part 31

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This video is class 31 of 49 in the series Rebbetzin's Perspective.

In this Torah shiur (class) Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller responds to real life dilemmas and challenges sent in by Naaleh’s female students around the world. This class touches on issues such as rewarding children for helpful behavior, dealing with conflicts within a community, the intertwined destiny of husbands and wives, and understanding korbanot. Each question is answered with sensitivity and wisdom.