Jewish law

Words that Build

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This video is class 16 of 46 in the series Chofetz Chaim Laws of Proper Speech.

In this Torah class (shiur) on Sefer Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg begins teaching the body of the sefer, beginning with klal aleph. This class defines lashon hara and rechilus, and discusses which is worse. Rabbi Ginsburg also discusses a situation where a Rebbi or parent requests that someone tell them lashon hara, and how to respectfully avoid speaking improperly even under such circumstances.


The Battle with the Western Nations

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This video is class 12 of 17 in the series Daniel.

Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller teaches perek 9, which describes Daniel’s prophesy of a goat. Rebbetzin Heller explains how this prophesy corresponds to the challenges the Jewish people will need to face when they are subjugated by the nations of the West.


Psalm 135, Part 1: Creator and Master

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This video is class 9 of 10 in the series Tehillim VI.

In this Torah class (shiur) on Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David explains the various segments of perek 135. Hashem is praised as both the Creator of the world, and the One who intervenes in all world events. Through the names of Hashem in the chapter, we learn His of His interaction with us through Middat Hadin (justice). The greatness of klal Yisrael lies in our commitment to Hashem and His Torah even in times of hester panim (Hashem’s hiddenness).


Perek 32: Real Prayer

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This video is class 9 of 21 in the series Yirmiyahu IV.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David discusses the Gemara Yuma 69, which juxtaposes the tefillot of Yirmiyahu in this perek, and Daniel, showing the ‘amitiut’, truthfulness, of their prayers, as opposed to ours. Despite our failings in this area, we must attempt to feel some of the awe of Heaven and the pain of the Shechina when we daven.


Chapter 7: The Defeat of Evil

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This video is class 11 of 17 in the series Daniel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches chapter 8, which describes the third vision of Daniel. This vision also relates to the kingdoms who will dominate the Jewish People in exile, but here they are compared to domesticated animals. This comparison shows that the wars that they will fight against the Jewish People will be focused and directed. Rebbetzin Heller also explains why the times for redemption are written so vaguely.


Perek 90, Part 2: Fear and Love

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This video is class 8 of 10 in the series Tehillim VI.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Tehilim, Rabbi Avishai David continues his analysis of Psalm 90. Rabbi David notes the dialectic of fear and love in our relationship with Hashem, which is prominent in this chapter, and compares it to the themes of Unetaneh Toekf and Neila, important prayers of the High Holy Days.


Perek 32: Contradictory Prophesies

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This video is class 8 of 21 in the series Yirmiyahu IV.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David explicates chapter 32. This chapter contains contradictory prophesies, on the one hand predictions of the impending destruction of the kingdom of Yehuda, and on the other hand the command to Yirmiyahu to go redeem his relative’s field, paying for its full value, with documents and witnesses. Yirmiyahu follows Hashem’s command though it seems to contradict reality, and then asks Hashem for an explanation. Hashem explains that though there will be a terrible exile, the Jews will return to Eretz Yizrael and once again property will be bought and sold here. This class includes a vort by Rabbi Soloveitchik comparing Yirmiyahu’s dilemma to that of Avraham Avinu before the Akeida, as well as an explanation of Hashem’s 13 Attributes of Mercy, which appear in this perek in truncated form.