Tehillim 87 – Zion and Jerusalem – Geography or Ideals
Posted onTehillim 87 – Zion and Jerusalem – Geography or Ideals
Tehillim 87 – Zion and Jerusalem – Geography or Ideals
Tehillim 70 – A Cry for Help – לעזרתי חושה
Chapter 15: The 6th Rung — “..in whose eyes a contemptible person is repulsive, but who honors those who fear Hashem”/Honor thy Parents
Tehillim 100 – A Song of Thanksgiving
Tehillim 99- Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh – Hashem’s Kingdom in Zion
Tehillim 98 – Universal Celebration of Divine Revelation
Tehillim 97 – The Fiery Battle Between Good and Evil
Tehillim 96 – A New Song for the Holy Nation
Tehillim 95 – לכו נרננה- Opening Kabbalat Shabbat
Shelach – Life is total Chesed. It is all Good. Hashem runs the world.
Timing is Everything. what is special about number 40.
How to give birth
Chapter 15 – The 5th Rung: “…nor cast disgrace upon his close one” / Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
Perek 15: The 4th Rung “…who has no slander on his tongue” / Thou shalt not bear false witness
Parasha Naso
Discover the depth of Shavuot and its focus on the Bikurim.
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller – Gottleib discusses the meaning of the 5 chumashim of the Torah
“Who May Dwell on Your Holy Mountain?” Examining the 10 Stages of Growth leading up to to the Receiving of the Torah, and enabling us to deepen our understanding of and commitment to the 10 Commandments (Based on Psalms 15, Part 3). The Correlation between walking perfectly innocent before G-d and I am your G-d
The interplay between the performance of mitzvot and the functioning of the world.
In this Class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gottleib gives her perspective and insight into the Lag Ba’omer Meron tragedy
“Who May Dwell on Your Holy Mountain?” Examining the 10 Stages of Growth leading up to to the Receiving of the Torah, and enabling us to deepen our understanding of and commitment to the 10 Commandments (Based on Psalms 15) Part 2 The Correlation between walking perfectly innocent before G-d and I am your G-d
Tehillim Chapter 15: “Who May Dwell on Your Holy Mountain?” Examining the 10 stages of growth leading up to to the receiving of the Torah, and enabling us to deepen our understanding of and commitment to the 10 Commandments. Part 1
Tehillim: Man and Hi Potential. A look into chapters 78 & 24.
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller begins Perek Daled in Kohelet
Tehillim 110 – My Lord, the King
Tehillim 67 – The Menorah – A National and Universal Symbol.mp3
Tehillim 61 – Promises Made and Kept – A Prayer for an Aging King.mp3