The Joy of Succot
Posted onRabbi Beinish Ginsburg outlines four reasons that we celebrate the holiday of Succot in the month of Tishrei, and explains how they relate to the Simcha (joy) of the holiday.
Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg outlines four reasons that we celebrate the holiday of Succot in the month of Tishrei, and explains how they relate to the Simcha (joy) of the holiday.
In this shiur, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson discusses the various halacha lemaaseh aspects of Shabbat candle lighting, including whether one can fulfill one’s obligation with electric lights. In addition, Rabbi Isaacson analyzes the various opinions regarding whether candle lighting triggers the onset of Shabbat.
Rebbetzin Heller provides a short thought on the weekly Torah parsha, Parshat Terumah.
In this shiur (Torah class) on Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David continues to explore the perakim of Hallel. Perek 114 is the triumphant chapter which describes the joy of the redemption from Egypt, B’tzeit Yisrael Mimitzrayim. Rabbi David explains both the structure and the messages of this beautiful Psalm.
In this Torah class Dayan Shlomo Cohen discusses the Jewish Ethical questions regarding Ransom
In this Torah shiur (class) on Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson describes the laws relating to an object whose primary use is prohibited on Shabbat (kli shemelachto l’issur), and an object whose primary function is permitted on Shabbat (kli shemelachto l’heter).
Why does Yom Kippur, the Day of Forgiveness, come after the Day of Judgment? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
In this shiur (Torah class), which focuses on the month of Elul, Mrs. Shira Smiles explores the mood of the month, and examines the seeming ‘trickery’ of being on our best behavior during the month of Elul, when the judgment is approaching.
In this Torah shiur (class) on the month of Elul, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg connects the message of the blowing of the shofar, which is done every day of the month, to the essence of the month of Elul.
In this Torah shiur (class), Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses that during the month of Elul, the month of building our relationship with G-d, we must focus on negating our will before G-d`s Will, and strengthening the deep bond that connects us to Him.
In this Torah shiur (class) on Tehillim, perek 113, Rabbi Avishai David continues to describe the uniqueness of the Hallel prayer, which parallels the components of praise, request, and thanks found in the Shemoneh Esrai. In this perek, we see both Hashem’s transcendence and His immanence, as tzaddikim can reach tremendous levels of connection with Him.
In this Torah class Dayan Shlomo Cohen discusses Deceit in Halacha
In this Pesach shiur, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg continues to point out various hints and connections to Matan Torah found in the Haggadah.
In this Torah shiur (class) on Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson continues his introduction to the laws of Muktza, focusing on the various categories of Muktza objects and beginning an in-depth discussion of the kli shem’lachto l’issur, an object whose primary use is prohibited on Shabbat.
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the time Between the Sieges
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Avishai David analyzes the first perek of Tehillim, which contrasts the personality of a Tzaddik with that of a Rasha.
In this short Torah shiur (class) on the practical applications of Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson discusses permitted and prohibited methods of tying knots of Shabbat.
In this class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the The Essence & Rectification of the 3 Weeks
In this class (shiur) on the period of Bein Hamitzarim, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the aveilut for the churban and how it is not a lament for the past but a way of bringing us to the reality of the geulah within us.
Rabbi Avishai David explains the distinction between Klal Yisrael and the Umot HaOlam.
In this class (shiur) Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the 3 Weeks.
Rabbi Avishai David delves into Perek 18 in this shiur on Sefer Yirmiyahu.
In this class Dayan Shlomo Cohen discusses When to be smart and when to be right.
In this Torah shiur (class) on Prophesy, Rabbi Avishai David continues his explanation of Nevua as a spiritual goal that all Jews should work toward.
In this class (Shiur) Rebbetzin Tzipora Helps us get a deeper understanding of the churban and how it relates to our lives
In this class (shiur) Rabbi Hershel Reichman deepens our understanding of the Mitzvah to teach our children Torah. He states that Jewish parenting is essentially the commandment to teach Torah to our children.
In this class (Shiur) Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses how on this day of mourning we have to create unity
In this shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman learns Mishnayot Brachot Perek Bet in memory of the victims of the tragedy in Mumbai
In this class (shiur) Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the 3 weeks.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the second chapter of Mishnayot Pesachim in memory of Gavriel Sandler, HY’D, who was killed by a terrorist on the Otzar Hatorah School in Toulouse, France and Avraham David ben Naftali Moses, who lost his life during the terror attack on Yeshivat Merkaz Harav.