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Explores the first pasuk of Eishes Chayil and how Avraham and Sarah teach us its lessonsEishes Chayil - א - Pasuk 1Description | Mishlei | Mrs. Shira Hochheimer | 2018-06-01 | 1:08:17 | |
This Torah shiur on Eishes Chayil introduces the poem of Eishes Chayil - its place in Tanach and approaches to learning it through pshat and Midrash.Eishes Chayil- IntroductionDescription | Women in Tanach, Mishlei | Mrs. Shira Hochheimer | 2018-05-10 | 56:23 |
About Mrs. Shira Hochheimer
Shira Hochheimer has been educating woman and girls of all ages for over fifteen years. She is passionate about empowering women to find more fulfillment in their lives by learning Torah. She has been a Rebbetzin in Rochester, New York and is now in a leadership position for girls’ Jewish education in Baltimore, Maryland. She is the author of a book on Eishes Chayil, called Eishes Chayil: Ancient Wisdom for Women of Today. Her proudest accomplishment is her role as a wife and mother of five.
Contact Mrs. Shira Hochheimer
This shiur is available in audio format only