
Chometz: Moving Beyond Self

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This video is class 34 of 69 in the series Pesach: Birth of a Nation.

In this Torah shiur (class) on the holiday of Pesach, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller speaks about the meaning of chometz, the deeper role of the Halachot (laws) pertaining to it, and how one can internalize the lessons of removing chometz and move beyond ‘self’.

Dedicated in memory of Jacob and Laura Elbirt, by their daughter Paula Elbirt.


The Mitzvah of Eating Matzah

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This video is class 35 of 69 in the series Pesach: Birth of a Nation.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Pesach, Rabbi Avishai David surveys the halachic opinions of the Ibn Ezra, Rambam, the Vilna Gaon, the Chizkuni, and others, in regards to the Mitzvah of Eating Matza on the night of the Seder and for the rest of the holiday of Pesach. This class thoroughly covers the topic of eating Matzah from a halachic and hashkafic perspective.


The Symbols of Pesach

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This video is class 59 of 69 in the series Pesach: Birth of a Nation.

In this Torah shiur (class) on the holiday of Pesach, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson looks at some of the symbols used at the Seder, such as the matza, called lechem oni, and the charoset. Rabbi Isaacson also discusses the seeming interruption of Hallel for Shulchan Orech, the eating of the festive meal.