Parshat Vayeira
Posted onRabbi Hanoch Teller relates the story of Parshat Vayeira. Rabbi Teller discusses more of the trials of Avraham Avinu and the destruction of Sodom and Amorah.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller relates the story of Parshat Vayeira. Rabbi Teller discusses more of the trials of Avraham Avinu and the destruction of Sodom and Amorah.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses Parshat Bo.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller explicates the storyline of Parshat Bamidbar, including the counting of the Jewish people, the encampments, and the tasks of the Levites in carrying the Mishkan.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the narrative in Parshat Chayei Sarah. Avraham buys the Machpela Cave and adjoining field in Chevron and buries his wife Sarah there, and then dispatches his servant Eliezer to find a shidduch (marriage partner) for his son Yitzchak.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller reviews the basic storyline of the Parsha, along with selected insights into various sections.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller goes through the parsha, Parshat Toldot, providing a basic overview of the story as well as inspiring insights to the parsha.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller narrates the basic storyline of Parshat Yitro with added commentary and insights.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the narrative of Parshat Balak, describing the failed efforts Bilam and Balak to curse the Jewish People, and the sin of Ba’al Pe’or.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents an overview of the storyline of the parsha, including Pinchas’ great reward and the description of the holiday services in the Temple.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller reviews the narrative of the parsha, which describes the travels of the Jewish people throughout their 40 year sojourn in the desert.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller explains various aspects of the seven priestly garments described in this parsha.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the storyline of Parshat Ki Tavo.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents an overview of the Parsha.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller speaks about Parshat Haazinu.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller learns Parshat Miketz.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents an overview on Parshat Tazria-Metzorah.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller relates the storyline of Parshat V’zot Habracha, with selected insights and comments.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller points out some of the important themes of Sefer Vayikra in general and specifically Parshat Vayikra.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents specific mitzvot from Parshat Achrei-Mot and Kedoshim.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller gives a overview of Parshiot Vayakhel and Pekudei.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller explains the story of Avraham’s trials and his departure to the Land of Israel. This class focuses on the narrative of Parshat Lech Lecha, with some added insights.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller learn the story of Parshat Vayeitzei.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller learns the parsha, Parshat Vayishlach.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller learns the basic storyline of Parshat Vayeishev.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller talks about the narrative of Parshat Vayigash. presents the confrontation between Yosef and Yehuda, and Yosef’s shocking revelation to his brothers.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller explains the final blessings of Yaakov Avinu to his sons, the Twelve Tribes, and his two grandsons Menashe and Ephraim in Parshat Vayechi.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the beginning of Parshat Shemot, which describes the subjugation and persecution of the Jewish people in Egypt.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses G-d’s promises to the Jewish nation in Parshat Va’eira, as Moshe Rabbenu and his brother Aharon begin ‘negotiating’ with Pharoah to let the Jews leave Egypt.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller describes the amazing miracle of the Splitting of the Sea in Parshat Beshalach.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller describes some of the laws that are mentioned in Parshat Mishpatim.