
Perek 22, Part 1: From Abandonment to Revelation

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This video is class of 10 in the series Tehillim VI.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David analyzes Psalm 22, which refers to the struggles of both David Hamelech and Queen Esther. This perek is a beautiful progression from initial feelings of abandonment and helplessness, which lead to prayer and bitachon, to eventual revelation, salvation, and joyous thanks to Hashem. The final praise is so intense that it begins with personal thanks, and spreads to include all of klal Yisrael (the Jewish people), the malachim (angels), and eventually the entire universe.


Royal Dream

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This video is class of 17 in the series Daniel.

Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller teaches the famous dream of Nevuchadnezzar which dominates Sefer Daniel,and begins to explain its symbolism. Rebbetzin Heller discussed the idea of four galuyot (exiles) specifically the galut of Yishmael.


Dreams Within the Exile

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This video is class of 17 in the series Daniel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, introduces and begins Sefer Daniel. Sefer Daniel is unique in that it was composed in exile, in Babylonia during the reign of Nevuchadnetzar. In this class, Rebbetzin Heller speaks about the nature of dreams, and why Daniel’s mission came through the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams.

Jewish Philosophy

Justice and Brotherhood

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This video is class of 13 in the series Megilat Kohelet.

On Megillat Kohelet, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches the fourth perek of the Megilla.  In this perek, Shlomo Hamelech (King Solomon) discusses the falsehood of this material world and its accompanying fantasies, the tikkun (fixing) of Gehinom (Hell), and the strength of togetherness and positive human relationships.

Women in Tanach

The Power of the Jewish Woman

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This video is class of 13 in the series In the Merit of Righteous Women.

In her final shiur (Torah class), on Righteous Women in Tanach, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller reviews the characteristics of some special women, showing how today’s Jewish woman can reach for these levels as well. Included in this class are a discussion on how to bring people together in marriage, the importance of Jewish burial, and the distinct categories of the righteous women discussed in the course.


Perek 5

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This video is class of 5 in the series Megilat Eicha.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the final perek of the megilla. In this chapter, Yirmiyahu speaks of the helpless, weakened state of the Jewish people under the ravages of the Churban. He states that it is the destruction of the Temple, not the physical suffering of the Jews, that is the greatest source of sorrow. The megilla ends with a plea to Hashem to return His people to their former glory, for they have suffered enough.