Graciousness, Greatness and Gratitude – P. Achrei – Kedoshim
Posted onHoliness
Explains Vehai behem
Exploring the mitzva of loving our fellow Jews, V’Ahavta L’rai’acha Kamocha.
In this class (shiur) on the Parshiyot Of Acharei-Mot and Kedoshim, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the verse, “Speak to Bnei Yisroel and say to them, ‘I am Hashem your God. Do not perform the practices of the land of Egypt in which you dwelled; do not perform the practices of the land of Canaan to which I bring you, and do not follow their traditions. Carry out My laws and safeguards…”
Mrs. Smiles addresses the following questions: If Egypt and Canaan were so terrible, why did Hashem put Bnei Yisrael there to begin with? What practices did Hashem want them to avoid? The major ones, idol worship and promiscuity were already covered in other verses and commandments. Are these different practices Hashem wanted them to avoid?
In this class (shiur) on Parshas Achrei Mot -Kedoshim, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the dichotomy between remaining separate from the nations and keeping away from negative influences and going out into the world and sanctifying Hashem’s name.
On Parshat Acharei Mot – Kedushim, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the prohibition of orlah.
On Parshat Acharei Mot and Kedoshim, Mrs. Shira Smiles explains the importance of living a true spiritual life.
Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the requirements to live in the Land of Israel.
On Parshiyot Acharei Mot and Kedoshim, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on the pasuk that speaks about rising in the presence of an elderly person and honoring a sage.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents specific mitzvot from Parshat Achrei-Mot and Kedoshim.
On Parshat Acharei Mot and Kedoshim, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about how we are to understand and define what keduasha is.
In this Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Reichman uses the interpretation of the Shem MiShmuel to explain the commandment of “Kedoshim Tihiyu,” (Be Holy) as a specific pathway of achieving holiness.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the purpose of the land of Israel and elaborates on its unique characteristics.