Parasha Beshalach
Posted onBeshalach
WHat is the connection between the different explanations fo the word Ve’an-vehu. How does building a sanctuary, beautifying the mitzvoth, and emulating Hashem have to do with each other.
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In Parshat Beshalach, in the aftermath of the Splitting of the Sea, as the Egyptians entered the Yam Suf, each on received exacting punishment for their evil deeds. An exploration of why Hashem waits before punishing people for their misdeeds, and the level of exactness in all Divine retribution.
An exploration of the gift of mann in the desert, and the double portion which fell on Fridays.
In this class (shiur) on Parshat Beshalach, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the dynamics of prayer and why Hashem silenced the Jews’ supplication at the Yam Suf.
In this class (shiur) on Parshat Beshalach, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the ongoing battle of the Jewish nation against Amalek
In this class (shiur) on Parshat Beshalach, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the Song of the Sea focusing on the verse, “Hashem shall reign for all eternity.”
On Parshat Beshalach, Mrs, Shira Smiles discusses Moshe’s act of taking the bones of Yosef out of Egypt.
on Parshat Beshalach, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the nature of Miriam’s song at the splitting of the Red Sea.
On Parshat Beshalach, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on the experience of the manna, the food in the desert.
On Parshat Beshalach, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on the pasuk in Shirat Hayam which says, “…This is my G-d and I will glorify Him…”
Mrs. Chana Prero teaches the classical commentaries in analyzing Amalek’s attack on the Jewish People.
On Parshat Beshalach, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on the pasuk that says that if the Jewish people do what is just in Hashem’s Eyes, and observe the commandments, then all the diseases that Hashem placed upon Egypt, He will not bring upon the Jewish people.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller describes the amazing miracle of the Splitting of the Sea in Parshat Beshalach.
Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the test the Jewish people encountered at Mara, and the laws they were taught there.
On Parshat Beshalach, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the concept of saying the shirat hayam, the song of the splitting of the sea, every day in our davening.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses this parsha, Parshat Beshalach.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Beshalach. The song of the Jews as they crossed the Yam Suf (Red Sea) and witnessed the final destruction of the Egyptian empire, was an expression of faith and joy.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses this weeks Torah portion, Parshat Beshalach.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Beshalach. Mrs. Smiles delves into the essence of shira, and the importance of incorporating shira into our daily lives. In addition, she speaks about the attack of the Amalekites on the Jewish people, the character of Amalek, and how to spiritually battle this force.