Parshat Beshalach: Salvation at Sea
Posted onRabbi Hanoch Teller describes the amazing miracle of the Splitting of the Sea in Parshat Beshalach.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller describes the amazing miracle of the Splitting of the Sea in Parshat Beshalach.
Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the test the Jewish people encountered at Mara, and the laws they were taught there.
On Parshat Beshalach, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the concept of saying the shirat hayam, the song of the splitting of the sea, every day in our davening.
Mrs. Chana Prero explains some of the reasons for the plagues.
In this shiur (Torah class) on this week’s parsha, Parshat Bo, Rabbi Reichman uses the interpretation of the Shem Mishmuel to expound on both our physical and spiritual freedom from Egypt.
On Parshat Bo, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on the pasuk which states that “against the children of Israel, no dog shall wet its tongue.”
Mrs. Chana Prero explores the justification for hardening Pharoah’s heart, and restricting his free will.
On Parshat Va’eira, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on the plague of ‘barad’ (hail).
In this shiur (Torah class) on Parshat Shemot, Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the fundamental question of whether the Jewish people deserved to be redeemed, or if it was an act of Divine Kindness.
Mrs. Chana Prero dissects the episode of the Burning Bush, Hashem’s command to Moshe, and Moshe’s refusal. This Torah shiur does not assume any previous knowledge of Hebrew or experience with Biblical texts.
On Parshat Shemot, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on the incident of the burning bush.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses Parshat Bo.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses G-d’s promises to the Jewish nation in Parshat Va’eira, as Moshe Rabbenu and his brother Aharon begin ‘negotiating’ with Pharoah to let the Jews leave Egypt.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the beginning of Parshat Shemot, which describes the subjugation and persecution of the Jewish people in Egypt.
Mrs. Smiles explores the symbolism of the coat of the Kohen Gadol, which was edged with bells and pomegranates.
In this Parsha, the famous Chet Ha-egel, Sin of the Golden Calf, was committed. Mrs. Smiles discusses Aaron’s role in this event, and talks about the power of Teshuva.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the special garments of the Kohanim, the priests.
Mrs. Shira Smiles delves into Parshat Terumah. Parshat Terumah discusses the buliding of the Mishkan, the Tabernacle. The task of building a Sanctuary for Hashem (G-d) is applicable to every Jew, who is charged with building a Sanctuary for G-d in is heart.
In his discussion on this week’s parsha, Parshat Yitro, Rabbi Hershel Reichman examines the Jewish people’s lack of self-confidence at Refidim, as well as their method of overcoming the depressed feelings by thinking of the bright future.
Mrs. Shira Smiles talks about Parshat Yitro. Parshat Yitro describes Matan Torah, the giving of the Torah to the Jewish Nation at Sinai. This class discusses Torah’s purpose and application to every aspect of our lives. Specifically, it focuses on the Ten Commandments and their application.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses this parsha, Parshat Beshalach.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Beshalach. The song of the Jews as they crossed the Yam Suf (Red Sea) and witnessed the final destruction of the Egyptian empire, was an expression of faith and joy.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses this weeks Torah portion, Parshat Beshalach.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Bo. As the Jews left Egypt, they received gold, silver, and many valuables from the Egyptians. Mrs. Smiles explores this episode and its significance,and discusses the proper perspective to material possesions.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Va-eira. The story of the Jews’ enslavement in Egypt can be seen through the lense of developing proper middot (character traits), especially that of hakarak hatov (gratitude).
In his discussion on this week’s parsha, Parshat Vaeira, Rabbi Reichman uses the interpretation of the Shem MiShmuel to explain a puzzling Midrash (Oral Torah explanation) regarding Moshe’s role in our redemption from slavery in Egypt.
In his discussion on this week’s parsha, Parshat Vaeira, Rabbi Hershel Reichman talks about how the Torah describes the increasing hardship of the slavery in Egypt in order to increase the Jewish People’s loyalty to G-d and their leader Moshe Rabbeinu.
In his discussion on this week’s parsha, Parshat Shemot, Rabbi Hershel Reichman presents a perplexing conversation in the Torah that takes place between G-d and Moshe Rabbeinu, by the burning bush. Rabbi Reichman uses the interpretation of the Shem Mishmuel to delve into the deeper meaning of the exchange.
Mrs. Shira Smiles talks about the theme of redemption.