Radiating Rays Parsha Ki Tisa
Posted onParshat Ki Tisa
Parshat Ki Tisa
Why is Moshe Rabeinu ‘s name left out?
Housing Holiness
Ear and Eerie
430 years or 400 years
The Name Ekeh? “i will be”
What does this name mean – Hashem talks to Moshe Rabeinu at the Burning Bush
What is Wisdom of the Heart
Why Torah say Take a donation instead of Give a donation.
3 levels for our Life.
Understanding the meaning behind the laws of separating milk and meat.
story of the Mann
How could Jews borrow things from Egypt if Jews didn’t have any thought to give the things back. Why is Egyptian called our friend?
1 Faith in Hashem , He runs the show and Faith in Yourself and you can do something. Be Proud 2 Life is Tailor Made . 3 Give it all to Hashem Mesirat Nefesh . Help others. give to others. Make the World better… It takes your blood to do that . Blood is your model.
Parasha Shemos
The Mishkan as a manifestation of Creation.
In Parshat Beshalach, in the aftermath of the Splitting of the Sea, as the Egyptians entered the Yam Suf, each on received exacting punishment for their evil deeds. An exploration of why Hashem waits before punishing people for their misdeeds, and the level of exactness in all Divine retribution.
In Parshat Bo, the Jews leave Mitzrayim. This shiur explores the unique promises of geula and its relevance to each of us today.
This fascinating shiur on Parshat Shemot explores the episode of Aharon Hakoehn’s joy for his brother Moshe’s appointment as the leader of the jewish people, and epands the topic of joy and passion in fulfilling mitzvot. The feeling that is put into the mitzva makes both the mitzva and its reward so much more valuable.
The Mishkan as repentance, teshuva, for the sin of the Golden Calf, chet Ha’gel.
An exploration of the women in the desert who were rewarded for their eagerness to contribute to the Mishkan in contrast to their refusal to participate or contribute to the Golden Calf, and their reward for their choices.
Understanding the comparison of the gift of Torah to a Kalla, a bride.
A discussion of the bells sewn on the bottom of the clothing of the Kohen Gadol, and their purpose in heralding his arrival and departure at the Beis Hamikdash.
The Aron Hakodesh in the Mishkan as an allegorical paradigm for the character of a Talmid Chacham, and every Jew dedicated to perfecting his or her character.
The key to accepting the Torah.
An exploration of the prohibition to bear false witness.
An exploration of the gift of mann in the desert, and the double portion which fell on Fridays.
Discussion of plague of the firstborn