Shem Mishmuel

Parshat Vayeitzei: Surviving Darkness

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In this shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the Medrash which says that the angels of Yakov’s dream represent the four kingdoms which will subjugate the Jewish people. Based on the Shem MiShmuel’s understanding of this medrash, Rabbi Reichman explains how Yaakov Avinu paved the way for our survival in the trying times of exile.

Parshat Vayeitzei

Dreaming of Angels

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This video is class 6 of 58 in the series Parsha Study Group.

Mrs. Chana Prero discusses Yaakov’s dream of the angels ascending and descending a ladder to Heaven, as he travels to Charan. This class, which does not assume any knowledge of Hebrew or familiarity with textual study, discusses why Yaakov received the vision at this juncture, and what this dream represents.

Parashat Toldot

Stolen Blessings

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This video is class 5 of 58 in the series Parsha Study Group.

Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the blessings that Yitzchak wanted to bestow on Esav. This class, which does not assume any prior knowledge of the text or of Hebrew language, answers questions such as why Yitzchak wanted to give Esav the brachot (blessings), why Rivka intervened, and why Yaakov did not tell the truth.

Parshat Chayei Sara

Eliezer’s Mission

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This video is class 4 of 58 in the series Parsha Study Group.

Mrs. Chana Prero elucidates Avraham Avinu’s instruction to his servant Eliezer, as Eliezer embarks on a mission to find a wife for Yitzchak Avinu. The class discusses why Yitzchak could not marry a Cananite woman, and why Eliezer chose to use a sign to help him complete his mission. The class, which assumes no prior knowledge of the Chumash or of the Hebrew language, encourages use of the Artscroll Sapirstein Rashi Chumash.

Parshat Noach

The Tower of Bavel

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This video is class 2 of 58 in the series Parsha Study Group.

Mrs. Chana Prero analyzes the sin and the punishment of the Dor Haflagah, the generation after the Flood that built the Tower of Bavel. The class goes through the relevant verses and the corresponding comments of Rashi. This class is suitable to anyone wanting to explore the topic inside, regardless of knowledge of Hebrew or level of textual skills.