Esav’s Message
Posted onMrs. Shira Smiles expounds upon Parshat Toldot by delving into the message that Esav gives us.
Mrs. Shira Smiles expounds upon Parshat Toldot by delving into the message that Esav gives us.
An in-depth study of the topic of Yaakov’s dream of the ladder.
Mrs. Shira Smiles gives an analysis of the extraordinary episode of the search for Yitzchak’s wife, and a discussion of the lessons gleaned from this story for our personal lives.
In this class on Parshat Lech Lecha, Rabbi Herschel Reichman discusses how earth’s desire to reach the heavens, and heaven’s force in holding her back, is a spiritual reality that applies to our own lives as well.
Explains how the ending of the episode of Akeidat Yitzchak is actually a new beginning in his Avodat Hashem.
Mrs. Shira Smiles explores the episode of the angels’ promise to Avraham and Sarah that they will be blessed with a son. Shira Smiles clarifies this difficult-to-understand episode with both the classical understanding and with the novel approach of the Belzer Rebbe.
Discusses the meaning of Avraham’s ram.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the fact that G-d’s command to Avraham to travel to the Land of Israel was not simply a command to move physically. She discusses that this charge instead echoes to every Jew and commands each of us to embark on an inner journey of self-perfection.
Expounds upon the topic of Akeidat Yitzchak.
Discusses the angel’s call to Avraham to stop what he is doing and not to harm his son.
Discusses the poignant moments of Avraham actually performing the Akeida.
Addressing many of the glaring questions that appear in the Torah’s narrative of this episode.
Analyzing the centrality of prayer learned from Avraham Avinu’s prayer to Hashem at the top of the mountain.
Observing the meaningful dialogue between Avraham Avinu tells Yitzchak Avinu, replete with hidden messages about love between a father and son, self-nullification before G-d and more.
Why would Avraham Avinu disparagingly refer to his son and servant as ‘the nation that is similar to a donkey?’
Why does the Torah refer to the location of the Akeida as ‘the place’?
A Teaching of the great speed and desire with which Avraham Avinu performs the Akeida and understanding the significance of our forefather’s use of the donkey.
This class focuses on the topic of fulfilling a mitzvah completely which entails pure devotion,joy, and alacrity.
Discovering the unique character of the city of Yerushalayim, Jerusalem.
Discussing the deeper meaning of the words Lech Lecha and their message for every person’s spiritual journey.
Looking at the manner of Hashem’s call to Avraham Avinu, and the response Avraham’s striking response of Hineni.
Focusing on the nature of Heavenly tests. Mrs. Smiles compares the approaches of the mefarshim who discuss the purpose of a nisayon.
Torah insights on the motivation behind the Akeida.
Shira Smiles discusses how the different tribes each reflect a specific quality of the Jewish people.
Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Vayigash, and the significance of the wagons Yosef sent from Egypt to bring his father Yaakov from the Land of Canaan.
Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the life question that Parshat Vayeishev addresses: What has man been placed in this world to accomplish?
Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Vayishlach, delving into the episode of Rachel’s death and her burial in Beit Lechem instead of in Chevron.
Mrs. Smiles explains the puzzling episode of the “Dudaim”, the fertility herbs that Reuven brought for his mother Leah, and Leah’s deal with Rachel to give her the Dudaim in return for more time with Yaakov, their husband.
Shira Smiles discusses the narrative of the story of Yitzchak’s blessings to his sons Yaakov and Esav, found in Parshat Toldot. Yitzchak’s main strength was that of Gevura (inner strength), and therefore he is tested specifically in this area.
Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Chayei Sarah. In this parsha, the tenth and final test of Avraham Avinu takes place.