Dan’s Directive – Parshat Vayechi
Posted onBlessing of Dan
Blessing of Dan
Wagons of Yosef
Midrash discussing Reuvan’s Teshuva and how it relates to Chanuka
Who was Yaakov Avinu struggling with during the night?
Vayeitzei learning a Midrash
the story of Esav
Fast travel – what is all about
You are never alone, what was the cloud over the mountain that was seen ?
Avraham Avinu – Explaining the first Midrash in Lech Lecha
Paraha Noah 5785 – how does Din ( strict justice ) turn into Rachamim ( mercy )
Life of Yaakov Avinu
Story of Yocheved
Chanuka related
Being a nothing can lead to great things
Angels , what do we do with them?
why could not Yitzak Avinu leave the land?
Nature of Hagar – mother of the Arab Nation
What are the generations of Noah
Noah created himself. Invest in your actions like you invest in your children.
How do we respond to the current events
Everything depends on how we pray.
Spark of Eliyahu Hanavi
Mitzvah Mindset
Lech Lecha