Maintaining Momentum – Naso – Post Shavuos
Posted onAfter Shavuos, what next?
After Shavuos, what next?
Parasha Naso
In this class Rebbetzin Leah Kohn discusses the Inauguration of the Mishkan
In this class (shiur) Rebbetzin Leah Kohn discusses Birkat Kohanim
In this class (shiur) on Parshat Naso, Mrs. Shirs Smiles discusses the birchat kohanim and the significance of peace, a vessel for all blessings.
On Parshat Nasso, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about birchat Kohanim.
On Parshat Nasso, Mrs. Shira Smiles examines the significance of this Parsha always being read on the Shabbat after Shavuot.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses three types of tumah which causes a person to leave the three camps of Israel. These types of tumah represent three types of yetzer hara which affects individuals. Rabbi Reichman, based on the Shem Mishmuel, discusses how one can fight these internal evils.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller reviews the basic storyline of the Parsha, along with selected insights into various sections.
On Parshat Naso, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the repetitive nature of the description of the gifts that the nesi’im brought to the mishkan, and about the blessings that Yaakov Avinu gave his children.
Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the nature of the Nazir, based on a thorough reading and explication of the basic commentaries.
In this Torah class on Parshat Naso, Rabbi Hershel Reichman uses a Chassidic approach based on the Shem MiShmuel,to explain the differences of service of G-d among the sons of Levi.
The episode of the “sotah” in this week’s Torah parsha, Parshat Nasso, provides us with an essential insight into who is truly deserving of blessing.