Exalted Emunah P. Chukat
Posted onMoshe Rabeinu, what was his sin?
Moshe Rabeinu, what was his sin?
Value of Peace
Introspection Imperative
Trusting Hashem and Hashem finding our trust
Understanding the power of the Nachash Hanechoshet, the Copper Serpent, to heal the people afflicted by plague in Parshat Chukat.
Source of Sustenance:
Song & Struggle
In this class (shiur) on Parshat Chukat, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses what it means to make oneself a desert and how we can understand that Torah is a gift.
In his class (shiur) on Parshat Chukas, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses how the laws of the Red Heifer atoned for the sin that brought death to the world.
Mrs. Shira smiles gives us insight into Parshat Chukas.
On Parshat Chukas, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the failed attack of the Amorites on the Jews and the song of gratitude the Jews sang for the Well of Miriam.
On Parshat Chukat, Mrs. Shira Smiles examines the attack of Amalek on the Jews. Amalek symbolizes the yetzer horo whose purpose is to lead us to self destruction. Mrs. Smiles discusses how the Jews were awakened to teshuva and how we too can strengthen ourselves to fight against the evil inclination.
On Parshat Chukat, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about our ability to submit ourselves to the will of G-d, and to appreciate the special gifts that we each have.
On Parshat Chukat, Mrs. Shira Smiles examines the incident with the serpents.
On Parshat Chukat, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the story of “mei meriva,” and presents three approaches of what went wrong, and the lessons we can take from it.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller reviews the storyline of the parsha including the red heifer and Moshe hitting the rock.
Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the challenge of maintaining moments of inspiration, using them to fuel our constant spiritual journey.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman gives a Chassidic explanation on the relationship between Bnei Yisrael and Edom, based on the natures of Yaakov and Yisrael.
In this Torah shiur (class) on the complex episode of mei meriva, which cost Moshe Rabbeinu entrance to the land of Israel, is explained by Rabbi Hershel Reichman as a product of the dual nature of miracles.
Mrs. Shira Smiles provides a description of the personality and legacy of Miriam within the Torah, and the deeper meaning of her lifetime connection to water.
Parshat Chukat, the episode of Moshe and the “Mei Meriva” sheds light on the role of Moshe Rabbeinu as our leader and the lessons of prayer he imparted to us.
In Parshat Chukat, we learn about Parah Adumah. The chok of Parah Adumah is in essence the mystery of death, where on one hand there is a spiritual loss and yet G-d Himself is completely within the picture.