Parshat Matot-Masei

Parshat Mattot-Masei

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This video is class 22 of 22 in the series Living the Parsha 5767.

Based on the verses in the Book of Numbers, it seems as if the tribes of Reuben and Gad placed more importance on their livestock than their children. Through an in-depth analysis and exploration of the text as well as various commentaries, we will understand the mistake these tribes made, their true intentions, as well as the tremendous lessons that may be derived from this narrative regarding priorities in life.

Parshat Bamidbar

Fire, Water and Desert

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This video is class 16 of 22 in the series Living the Parsha 5767.

The fire, water, and desert that accompanied the Jews during their sojourn for forty years, symbolize deep lessons of devotion to G-d, passion for spirituality, and a willing to sacrifice oneself to fulfill G-d’s Will. We can incorporate these powerful lessons into our daily lives, to become more passionate, spiritually-focused people.

Parshat Matot-Masei

Priorities – Parshat Mattot-Masei

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This video is class 22 of 23 in the series Short Vorts.

Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses this week’s parsha, Parshat Mattot-Masei. In this shiur, she speaks about how the tribes of Reuven and Gad wanted to settle by the Jordan river for the sake of their children. G-d blessed them with lots of cattle and it was therefore through taking care of their cattle that they served G-d. But, we must not lose focus that our children take precedence over everything.