In Memorial: Response to Tragedy

Mishnayot Taanit, Perek 4

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This video is class of 4 in the series Mishnayot Taanit.

Rabbi Hershel Reichman teaches the final chapter of Mishnayot Taanit, perek 4. The perek speaks about the times of Birchat Kohanim, special holidays of the Temple Era such as the holiday of completing the wood-chopping for the mizbe’ach, the fasts of Shiva Asar B’Tamuz and Tisha B’Av, and the holiday of the fifteenth of Av in memory of Jean Relevy, 68, of Jerusalem, who was killed by a brutal terrorist on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 5768, in the infamous Jerusalem Bulldozer Attack.

In Memorial: Response to Tragedy

Mishnayot Taanit, Perek 2

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This video is class of 4 in the series Mishnayot Taanit.

In the second chapter of Mishnayot Taanit, our Rabbis teach us the prayers for rain during fast days in Israel, the rules for the Kohanim on duty in the Temple, and rules for Jewish people on the watch in the Temple. The Chapter also discusses minor holidays of the Second Temple Era. May the learning of this class be a zchut for a refuah shleima for Yehoshua ben Esther, who was seriously injured in the second Jerusalem bulldozer attack.

In Memorial: Response to Tragedy

Mishnayot Taanit, Perek 1

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This video is class of 4 in the series Mishnayot Taanit.

In the first chapter on Mishnayot Taanit, the Rabbis describe praying for rain in Israel, and the procedure for declaring public fasts and days of repentance during times of drought in memory of Batsheva bat Nechama Unterman, a 33 year old kindergarten teacher from Jerusalem, who was killed by an Arab terrorist on Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5768, in the infamous Jerusalem Bulldozer Attack.