Berachos 62
Posted onDaf Yomi Berachos 62
This series of classes on the Oral Law offers listeners a selection of engaging classes on Mishnayot and Gemara ranging from introductory to advanced levels. The Oral Law was transmitted in an uninterrupted chain from generation to generation until it was written down by Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi who compiled the Mishna between 200-220 CE. The Gemara compiled by the Amoraim between the years 350-500 CE serves as a running commentary on the Mishna encompassing a range of complex debates and laws covering interpersonal relationships, dietary laws, civil claims and damages, Shabbat and holiday observances, and sacrificial practices.
Daf Yomi Berachos 62
Daf Yomi Berachos 61
Daf Yomi Berachos 60
Daf Yomi Brachos 59 Given by Almog Geva
Breachos 58 Given by Almog Geva
Daf Yomi Berachos 57 Audio Only
Daf Yomi Berachos 56
Daf Yomi Berachos 55
Daf Yomi Berachos 54
Daf Yomi Berachos 53
Daf Yomi Berachos 52
Daf Yomi Berachos 51
Daf Yomi Berachos 50
Daf Yomi Berachos 49
Daf Yomi Berachos 48
Daf Yomi Berachos 47
Daf Yomi Berachos 46
Blessings on the main food item. Fruits of Israel. The blessing of shehakol and medicinal qualities of certain foods.
Blessings on sweet smells
Bread that is not in the shape of bread. Wine before and after a meal.
Daf Yomi Berachos 41
Daf Yomi Berachos 40
Daf Yomi Berachos 39
Daf Yomi Berachos 38
Daf Yomi Berachos 37
Why do we recite a blessing before food? Should you learn all the time? Why does wine get a separate blessing?
Do not repeat Modim. One who prays and errs. How do you know that your request has been accepted by Hashem?
Brachot 32
Pray Shmoneh Esreih with submission and humility. Lessons from Chana