Putting it all Together
Posted onIn this final shiur (Torah class) of Sefer Tomer Devora, Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen learns the final points, which encapsulate the key essential points of the sefer.
In this final shiur (Torah class) of Sefer Tomer Devora, Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen learns the final points, which encapsulate the key essential points of the sefer.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen continues learning the middot (characteristics) described in Sefer Tomer Devora. This particular class discusses the midda (characteristic) of ultimate emet (truth), as personified by our forefather, Yaakov.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen discusses the last midda in Tomer Devora, in which one is advised on how to act in the same manner as our Avot, forefathers.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen continues to explain how one should try to act in a similar manner to G-d. This idea, of emulating G-d, is the basis of the work, Tomer Devora.
In this Torah shiur (class) on self-improvement, Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen describes various middot (character traits) of G-d that the Tomer Devora explains how to emulate. These middot are not just an exercise in imitation, but help perfect oneself to become a better person. In this class, Rabbi Cohen discusses the middah of ‘yichbosh avonoteineu’, ‘He Holds back’ our sins. Hashem waits with our aveirot and ignores them until we erase them with our repentance. Man can also reach levels of self-denial and acceptance, which will lead him to wholeheartedly forgive those who wrong him.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen continues learning the classic mussar sefer, Tomer Devorah. In this segment, the Tomer Devorah provides practical examples of how G-dliness is portrayed in mankind.
In this shiur (class), on the Sefer Tomer Devora, Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen brings specific examples of how one can emulate G-d in all areas of life.
In this Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen continues his discussion of the Tomer Devorah by delving into the sefer’s characterization of the Jewish People as ‘She’arit Nachalato’, the Remnants of His Inheritance.
In this Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen discusses the Tomer Devorah’s recipe for a meaningful life. Through the integration of Mussar and Hashkafa into one’s daily existence, every action one does will take on meaning and purpose.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen begins the classic sefer, Tomer Devorah. He begins with explaining our mission to emulate G-d and reveal our true selves. In this class, G-d’s midda (attribute) of being sovel, carrying and sustaining, is analyzed.