Understanding Prophecy

Varying Levels of Prophesy

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This video is class of 30 in the series Nature of Prophesy.

In this shiur (Torah class) on Prophesy, Rabbi Avishai David explains the Rambam’s declaration that there are many levels of nevua. Rabbi David discusses the differences between Neviim, the Prophetic books, and Ketuvim, the Scriptures, according to the early commentators (Rishonim) Radak, Abarbanel, and Meiri, as well as the approach of Rav Chaim Soloveitchik of Brisk.

Understanding Prophecy

Prophetic Actions

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This video is class of 30 in the series Nature of Prophesy.

In this Torah class (shiur) on Nevua, Prophesy, Rabbi Avishai David presents various views of the commentators on whether actions taken together with a prophesy were literally performed, or were prophetic visions. Rabbi David describes the opposing opinions of Ramban and the Rambam, and the Abarbanel’s compromise position.

Understanding Prophecy

Can a Prophesy Be Changed?

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This video is class of 30 in the series Nature of Prophesy.

In this Torah shiur on the nature of prophesy, Rabbi Avishai David surveys various places in Tanach (Scriptures) where there are contradictory prophesies, and how to understand them. The test of a true Navi is that his prophesies come true, yet the Gemara states that prophetic decrees can be overturned. Rabbi David explores this issue and resolves the difficulties.

In Memorial: Response to Tragedy

Mishnayot Pesachim, Perek One

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This video is class of 10 in the series Mishnayot Pesachim.

In this shiur (Torah class) Rabbi Reichman discusses the first chapter of Mishnayot Pesachim which deals with the prohibition of chametz. This shiur is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Yonatan Sandler, who was killed by a terrorist at the Otzar Hatorah School in Toulouse France as well as Segev Pniel ben Elyashav Avichail, who lost his life during the terror attack on Yeshivat Merkaz Harav.