Woman of Valor
Posted onChanging the face of Torah Jewry for all future generations, Sarah Schneirer was one of the most influential personalities of the last century.
This series explores a wide ranging number of thought provoking topics on Jewish thought including the 13 Principles of Faith, how to connect to Hashem, understanding prophecy, the nature of the Chosen People, perspectives on Jewish unity and exile, overcoming adversity, the meaning of trust, reward and punishment, and the centrality of Torah Study.
In Principles of Faith, Reb. Tziporah Heller analyzes Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles of Faith as well as the philosophical discussions of the Maharal on faith. In Bitachon: Meaning of Trust, she expounds on the concept of trust in G-d as the ultimate provider of all of Man’s needs, how to focus on joy as the key to developing a trustful relationship, and ways to properly face the challenges of life. In The Centrality of Torah series, Reb. Heller examines the role of the Torah as the source for directing the Jewish nation in their unique task in this world and how it defines the path towards the ultimate redemption.
Additional classes include a comprehensive study of Netivot Olam and Netzach Yisrael, by Rabbi Yehuda Loewe, the Maharal of Prague, a seventeenth-century rabbi who authored many books of Jewish philosophy. Rebbetzin Heller examines the nature of the evil inclination.and how to combat it. Further classes focus on the causes of suffering, and how it serves as a catalyst for growth, the nature of discord, and the inherent qualities of peace, the causes of the destruction of the First and Second Temples, and the changes in perspective and behavior that must occur in order to rectify this damage.
Changing the face of Torah Jewry for all future generations, Sarah Schneirer was one of the most influential personalities of the last century.
In this class, Rebbetzin Heller explains that the spelling of shalom is reflective of the word’s essence, peace.
Rebbetzin Heller discusses how the fourth bracha of “Birchat Hamazon” deepens our appreciation for the G-dliness found in this world and its ultimate supremacy over physicality.
Rebbetzin Heller explains that the ultimate definition of peace lies in retaining boundaries and at the same time including and respecting all the pieces of the world’s puzzle.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses how the mussar movement spread across Eastern Europe through the yeshivos of Slabodka, Kelm amd Novardok. He discusses how it even reached Western Europe, specifically England, through Rav Elya Lopian and Rav E.E. Dessler.
Rebbetzin Heller discusses the second and third brachot of “Bircat Hamazon,” which express our soul’s inner desire to recognize holiness and to connect to Hashem.
The idea of tzniut, modesty, is in essence a balanced outlook on the world. Reb. Heller explores the meaning of tzniut and its function in speech, thought and action.
Rebbetzin Heller discusses mitzvot relating to our relationships with fellow Jews.
Rabbi Teller wraps up his discussion on the Ponevezher Rav and continues with Rav Yisrael Salanter, the father of the “mussar” movement.
In the first class of Netiv HaShalom, Rebbetzin Heller discusses the source of “shalom” (peace) and its opposite, “machloket” (divisiveness).
Rebbetzin Heller discusses how the first bracha of “bircat hamazon” describes the ultimate giving- the giving of G-d to His creations.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller talks about Rav Aharon Kotler and the Ponevezher Rav, who shared a basic common goal throughout their lives; to rebuild the spiritual edifices that were lost in the furnace of the Holocaust.
Rebbetzin Heller starts a new series on the meaning of mitzvot, concentrating this week on the mitzva of brachot, blessings on foods.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses how America was a barren wasteland before Rav Aharon Kotler came and watered it with his fiery determination and spirit.
In this class on the Netivot Olam, Rebbetzin Heller discusses how the nuisances that interrupt the flow of our routine are all purposeful and beneficial in helping us reach our ultimate destiny.
In this class, Rebbetzin Heller helps us understand the Torah perspective on suffering in this world.
In this class on the Netivot Olam, Rebbetzin Heller discusses three treasured gifts from G-d which require pain and suffering.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the exceptional childhood of Rav Yosef Kahaneman, the Ponovezher Rav.
This class begins a new netiv of the Maharal, Netiv HaYessurim. In this class, Rebbetzin Heller attempts to decipher the mystery of yissurim.
Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer teaches the last segment on the special series on Rambam’s Principles of Faith.
Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer teaches the second segment of this enlightening overview of Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles.
Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer addresses the question: What do we mean by Principles of Faith if the entire Torah is Absolutely True?
Rebbetzin Heller provides a wrap-up and review of the entire semester of Principles of Faith.
In her discussion on the Sefer Netivot Olam of the Maharal, Rebbetzin Heller speaks about how the Yetzer Hara causes one to self-destruct.
In this class on the Netivot Olam of the Maharal, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses our need for Hashem’s help in fighting the Yetzer Hara.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the Maharal’s advice on “slaughtering” the Yetzer Hara.
Rebbetzin Heller discusses the special connection between the Jewish People and the Torah.
Rebbetzin Heller presents the Maharal’s instructions on how to overcome the Yetzer Ha’Ra.
Rebbetzin Heller discusses Moshe Rabbeinu’s (Moses) prophecy, which was on a unique level, unlike that of any other mortal to exist.
In continuing her class on the Netivot Olam of the Maharal, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller compares the yetzer hara of the “tzurah” with the yetzer hara of the “chomer”.