The Last Words of Moshe Rabeinu
Posted onThe last words of Moshe Rabeinu to his and all generations.
This series explores a wide ranging number of thought provoking topics on Jewish thought including the 13 Principles of Faith, how to connect to Hashem, understanding prophecy, the nature of the Chosen People, perspectives on Jewish unity and exile, overcoming adversity, the meaning of trust, reward and punishment, and the centrality of Torah Study.
In Principles of Faith, Reb. Tziporah Heller analyzes Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles of Faith as well as the philosophical discussions of the Maharal on faith. In Bitachon: Meaning of Trust, she expounds on the concept of trust in G-d as the ultimate provider of all of Man’s needs, how to focus on joy as the key to developing a trustful relationship, and ways to properly face the challenges of life. In The Centrality of Torah series, Reb. Heller examines the role of the Torah as the source for directing the Jewish nation in their unique task in this world and how it defines the path towards the ultimate redemption.
Additional classes include a comprehensive study of Netivot Olam and Netzach Yisrael, by Rabbi Yehuda Loewe, the Maharal of Prague, a seventeenth-century rabbi who authored many books of Jewish philosophy. Rebbetzin Heller examines the nature of the evil inclination.and how to combat it. Further classes focus on the causes of suffering, and how it serves as a catalyst for growth, the nature of discord, and the inherent qualities of peace, the causes of the destruction of the First and Second Temples, and the changes in perspective and behavior that must occur in order to rectify this damage.
The last words of Moshe Rabeinu to his and all generations.
Scrupulous honesty… Hashem’s primary policy.
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Partnership with Hashem T&Cs.
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Work is the choice place to grow, even for some tzaddikim.
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Ten Tests in the Desert; Ten Tests in Every Jew’s Life
Daily Torah hours – getting the balance right.
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Time is… Torah.
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Listening to Hashem speaking to you… at work.
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Bamidbar: To Count and to Be Counted
Balance, Bitachon and the pit in your belly!
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It’s unanimous, trust never replaces hard work!
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Sit back, relax and Hashem will NOT provide.
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Hard work. Trust. Predetermined income. Unscrambling the confusion, contradiction and complexity.
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Critical questions: How much and to whom?
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Buffet’s promise…
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Imagine a borehole that pumps out gold and silver… and dveikus to Hashem simultaneously! It’s in your hands to dig it!
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Torah Wealth 101. It’s a plunge… with a guarantee!
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The end of Sefer Vayikra: Turning curses into blessings.
The weightiest mitzvah of them all…
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Discovering the essence of being a Jew by exploring the Chagim.
Sefer Vayikra: Why are Korbanot mentioned so many times,
when we can’t offer them today?
Sefer Vayikra: An invitation to the inner sanctum.
Hashem wants my heart, my love, sincere service – surely not a service motivated by money? Isn’t my love of money a substitute and an obstruction to genuine love of Him and His mitzvahs?
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What does a non-Jewish mistress, an adulterous relationship and the desire for money have in common? According to the Gaon, apparently a lot! Listen to part 4B and transform your work life.
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Bridging the gap between our love for money and Hashem’s love for us. Can these two desires possibly merge? Find out in part 4!
Earning a living more valuable than awe of G-d – that just can’t be! It’s not even a mitzvah!? Find out in this last segment of Part 3.
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A fascinating in-depth analysis of work’s relative holiness in Hashem’s eyes. Is it up there with Tefillin or more similar to eating and sleeping? Most importantly – does this distinction make any difference to our approach to our time in the office?
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If life is about Torah and mitzvahs, why did Hashem design a world where work consumes us? Is work also a holy mitzvah, like tefillah and Torah?
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What the division of the Torah into Five Books reveals to us
about the way Hashem leads the world, the Jewish Nation
and our own life journey.
“Shmot – Creating a Nation Unlike Any Other”
Bringing it all home! How to integrate what we’ve learnt so far into tangible change. Practical tools to transform your approach to work.