Basic laws and customs

The Treatment of G-d’s Names

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This video is class 7 of 15 in the series Practical Judaism.

Rabbi Jacobson continues discussing proper treatment of Hashem’s Names, both spoken and written. Particular emphasis is placed on brachot l’vatala and pages with Hashem’s name on it. Interesting facts include the writing of Hashem’s name in a foreign language, using Hashem’s name in a letter or other correspondence, correct means of disposing of papers with a form of Hashem’s name on them, how to handle published Sifrei Kodesh (holy books), and the difference between a bracha l’vatala (a brocha in vain) and a bracha she’eina tzricha (an unnecessary bracha).

Basic laws and customs

In the Ways of Gentiles

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This video is class 3 of 15 in the series Practical Judaism.

Regarding dressing in the morning, the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch states the prohibition of dressing in the ways of the Gentiles. Rabbi Jacobson expands on this concept with numerous examples to provide a complete picture of the prohibition of “bechukoseihem lo teilechu”. Included in this class is a discussion on Thanksgiving dinners and the special laws applying to left-handed people.

Halacha Q&A

Ask The Dayan 2

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This video is class 2 of 5 in the series Ask the Dayan.

In this class (shiur) Dayan Shlomo Cohen continues to answer questions on monetary halacha. Available online in streaming and for download in mp3 and mp4 (Ipod video) formats. Send in your question on financial responsibility to or

Hilchot Shabbat

Borer, Part 6

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This video is class 22 of 25 in the series Shabbat Scenarios.

In this interactive Torah shiur (class) on Hilchot Shabbat Rabbi Simon Isaacson and Dr. Edo Lavi demonstrate the principles and practical applications of the Melacha of Borer, separating. The class uses real objects and examples from typical home life in illustrating the halachot (laws).

Hilchot Shabbat

Borer, Part 5

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This video is class 21 of 25 in the series Shabbat Scenarios.

In this interactive Torah shiur (class) on Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Simon Isaacson and Dr. Edo Lavi demonstrate the principles and practical applications of the Melacha of Borer, separating. The class uses real objects and examples from typical home life in illustrating the halachot (laws).