Laws of Speech

The Chillul Hashem of Lashon Hara

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This video is class 8 of 46 in the series Chofetz Chaim Laws of Proper Speech.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Chofetz Chaim and Shmirat Halashon, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg teaches more of the Torah prohibitions listed in the introduction to Sefer Chofetz Chaim. One who speaks lashon hara is guilty of creating a chillul Hashem (desecration of G-d’s Name). The sin of lashon hara is is intricately connected with the sins of taking revenge and bearing a grudge, as well as the sin of hating a fellow Jew.

Laws of Speech

Causing Sin

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This video is class 7 of 46 in the series Chofetz Chaim Laws of Proper Speech.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Chofetz Chaim and the laws of proper speech, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg teaches three of the many transgressions one commits when speaking lashon hara. Specifically, he focuses on the danger of causing others to sin, known as ‘lifnei iver’, and the pleasure derived from speaking lashon hara.

Contemporary Halacha

Baruch Shem Kavod Malchuto

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This video is class 7 of 17 in the series Contemporary Halacha.

In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Michael Taubes discusses the fascinating halachik concept of reciting baruch shem kavod malchuso l’olam vaed. This phrase is generally recited after on says Shema as well as after one accidentally begins reciting an unnecessary bracha (blessing). This class focuses on the latter instance, providing an in depth understanding as well as the halachot concerning the phrase.