Business Halacha

Cash Payments

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This video is class 3 of 69 in the series Money Matters.

In this Torah class (shiur) on Jewish monetary law, Dayan Shlomo Cohen explains the laws specific to cash payments. A practical, entertaining, and informative guide to this area of business practice, based on the book Pure Money.

Laws of Speech

Believing Lashon Hara: Rumors and Newspapers

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This video is class 37 of 46 in the series Chofetz Chaim Laws of Proper Speech.

In this shiur (Torah class) on the laws of proper speech, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg teaches Sefer Chofetz Chaim klal 7, paragraphs 3-6, which contain proof that one may not repeat rumors or other lashon hara, even if two or more people say it. He also discusses whether one may talk negatively or believe negative reports about reshaim.

Laws of Speech

Permitted Suspicion

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This video is class 35 of 46 in the series Chofetz Chaim Laws of Proper Speech.

In this shiur (Torah class) on the laws of Shemiras Halashon (proper speech), Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg teaches klal 6 paragraphs 7-10 of Sefer Chofetz Chaim, which go into the details of whether it is permitted to believe negative speech. One may be cautious concerning certain negative reports, although one may not fully believe them.