Hilchot Shabbat

Muktza, Part 3

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This video is class of 24 in the series Hilchot Shabbat V.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson describes the laws relating to an object whose primary use is prohibited on Shabbat (kli shemelachto l’issur), and an object whose primary function is permitted on Shabbat (kli shemelachto l’heter).

Hilchot Shabbat

Categories of Muktza Objects

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This video is class of 24 in the series Hilchot Shabbat V.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson continues his introduction to the laws of Muktza, focusing on the various categories of Muktza objects and beginning an in-depth discussion of the kli shem’lachto l’issur, an object whose primary use is prohibited on Shabbat.