The Ninth of Av
Posted onIn this class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the day of mourning
In this class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the day of mourning
3 weeks issues, how to keep your home pure…
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Goleib discusses the Ninth Day of Av
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller- Gotleib discusses how we can connect to the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller- Gotleib discusses the Nine Mourning days
What should we do during the 3 weeks. one idea
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Heller-Gotleib discusses the mourning period of the 3 weeks
Destruction and Exile – Reflected in Tehillim
Haftarot of Calamity – Part III – Chazon Yeshayahu
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller- Gottlieb Discusses the mourning day of Tisha B’Av
Haftarot of Calamity – Part II – Haftarat Masaei
Haftarot of Calamity – Part I – Haftarat Matot – זכרתי לך חסד נעוריך
the three weeks
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller discusses how to make the day of Tisha B’Av relevant to our days
Focuses on the incredible phenomenon of mass suicide in various Jewish communities faced with the choice of death or conversion to Christianity.
Explains the background and meaning of the kinna by Elazar haKalir entitled ‘V’ata amarta, heitiv eitiv imach’. In this kinna, the special relationship of the Jewish People with Hashem as promised seems to be shattered, as troubles and tribulations are unleashed on the Jewish nation during the time of the Churban.
Explains kinna number nine, “Eicha Tifarti”, in detail. The kinna describes the tragedies of Jewish history, and the terrible consequences of distorting its causes.
Explicates the themes and structure of the kinna “Eicha Atzta B’Apecha”, Examining the reaction of the Jewish people to the destruction of the exile.
Analyzes the themes of the first kinna. This Kinna describes the sudden shock of the Churban, as well as the mourning of both Hashem and the Jewish People at the unbelievable loss of the Beit Hamikdash.
An overview of the dual nature of Tisha B’av as a day of mourning and a public fast day. Rabbi David then reviews Megillat Eicha, and shows how it parallels many of the themes of the Kinnot.
An in-depth look at galus (exile) and what it means today.
An introductory look at golus (exile).
In this Torah shiur (class), Mrs. Shira Smiles explores the underlying theme of the Three Weeks of Mourning between the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha B’av.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman discusses the causes for the Churban, as discussed in the Gemara, and how we can correct ourselves to bring the Geulah.
In this class (shiur) Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the 3 Weeks.
In this class Dayan Shlomo Cohen discusses When to be smart and when to be right.
In this class (Shiur) Rebbetzin Tzipora Helps us get a deeper understanding of the churban and how it relates to our lives
In this class (Shiur) Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses how on this day of mourning we have to create unity
In this class (shiur) Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the 3 weeks.