Shabbat Shuva

The Intrinsic Purity of Every Jew

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This video is class 1 of 4 in the series Shabbos Shuva: The Eternal Message.

On the Haftarah of Shabbat Shuva from where we learn that teshuva/repentance is a dynamic process with Hashem, and that every Jew’s soul is intrinsically pure, which means that even sin does not become part of its essence. When embarking on the teshuva process, one should have an image of who they want to be, so that they have a goal to aspire to.


Tu B’Av and the Essence of Marriage

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In this Torah shiur on marriage and shidduchim, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller speaks about what the 15th day of Av represents. On this day, the heavenly attributes of Chochma and Binah combine, as do the middot of Tiferet and Malchut. This merging of forces represents the completion of the soul through marriage.