
Honoring Havdala

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This video is class of 40 in the series Purim Unmasked.

This class explores the connection between Havdala and Purim, as expressed in the passuk from the megilla which is included in the weekly havdaa, “layehudim haysa orah v’simcha v’sasson viykar’, ‘and the Jews had light, joy, rejoicing, and honor’.

Rosh Chodesh

Rosh Chodesh and Women

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This video is class of 28 in the series The Jewish Calendar.

In this Torah shiur (class), Rebbetzin Heller explores the relationship between Rosh Chodesh and women. We learn in the Torah, that the women’s faith was greater than the men’s, since they did not take part in the sin of the Golden Calf. Because of this, the women were rewarded with a “partial holiday” of Rosh Chodesh.