Elul, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur

Merciful Judgment

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This video is class 16 of 62 in the series Elul, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

In this shiur (Torah class) on the prayer of ‘Unetaneh Tokef’, Rabbi Avishai David discusses three possible ways of understanding this powerful prayer. The theme of this prayer is the awesomeness of judgment, which evokes fear and terror, followed by the relief that is felt upon the declaration that we can turn judgment into mercy through Teshuva, Tefilla, and Tzedaka.


Two Purims

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This video is class 14 of 40 in the series Purim Unmasked.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Purim, Rabbi Hershel Reichman teaches an essay by the Shem Mishmuel, which discusses the mystical reasons for the two separate Purim celebrations, on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of Adar.


Partial Redemption

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This video is class 11 of 40 in the series Purim Unmasked.

Rebbi Hershel Reichman discusses the holiday of Purim which involved a fight against Amalek, our evil enemy. The fight was not only physical but a spiritual war against Amalek within us. The outcome determined the extent of the Purim redemption.

Elul, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur

Selichot: Keys to Forgiveness, Part II

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This video is class 9 of 62 in the series Elul, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

In this Torah shiur (class) on the Selichot prayers, Rabbi Avishai David explicates the Selichot, specifically the themes of repentance and forgiveness. One of the main themes of the Selichos is that our neshama is incorruptable, and we must use this opportunity to return the part of ourselves that remains pure despite our sins.