Parshat Korach: The Source of Korach’s Rebellion
Posted onIn this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the underlying motives for Korach’s rebellion.
This series of classes on Chassidut, takes us on a journey through various essays and Chassidic discourses by a range of Chassidic Masters, such as the Shem Mishmuel, the Nesivos Shalom, the Ba’ale HaTanya, the Rebbe Rashab, and others. Chassidut explains that this world is characterized by a confrontation between physicality and spirituality. The fundamental purpose of humanity is to discover the ‘holy sparks’ of the Divine in the physical reality. This series explores the deep spiritual and esoteric teachings of the great Chassidic giants, revealing both philosophical concepts and practical insight on the Parsha, the Jewish holidays, the unity of the Jewish people, and the unique beauty inherent in a Jewish marriage.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the underlying motives for Korach’s rebellion.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses three types of tumah which causes a person to leave the three camps of Israel. These types of tumah represent three types of yetzer hara which affects individuals. Rabbi Reichman, based on the Shem Mishmuel, discusses how one can fight these internal evils.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the reasons of G-d counting the Jewish People in this week’s parsha.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the four kingdoms that oppressed the Jewish People. Each kingdom had a specific negative characteristic which the Jewish People must fight against.
Parshat Tzav relays the importance of the inner spiritual service of G-d.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the significance of the Four Questions, based on the Shem Mishmuel explanation of the concept of number four.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman presents the Chassidic view of the Korban Pesach, the Pascal sacrifice. Rabbi Reichman explains how we can still incorporate the effects and lessons of the korban Pesach even when we no longer have a Temple.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the significance of the number four which prominently appears in the Seder. Specifically focusing in the four cups of wine, this class gives a Chassidic interpretation of the levels of the soul and how each cup represents a particular level.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the spiritual understanding of matzah. According to Chassidic thought, matzah represents ultimate faith in G-d, which was seen in the Jewish Nation’s redemption from Egypt.
In this Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses how this week’s Torah reading involves the prohibition of work on Shabbat. Through a unique understanding of the sin of the Golden Calf, the Shem Mishmuel understands the essence of Shabbat.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the prohibition of chametz from a Chassidic perspective. The Shem MiShmuel presents the negative spiritual characteristics which chametz represents, and explains how one should work on eradicating those characteristics during the time of Pesach.
In this shiur (Torah class), by Rabbi Hershel Reichman, the sin of the Golden Calf is explained from a Chassidic point of view.
In discussing Parshat Tetzave, Rabbi Reichman analyzes the making of the Menorah in the Mishkan and provides insight into our ultimate relationship with G-d.
In this shiur (Torah class) on Parshat Tetzaveh, Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the clothing of the Kohen Gadol. The Shem MiShmuel explains the significance of these unique garments.
Parshat Ki Tisa contains a puzzling passage referring to the Tefillin of G-d. The Shem Mishmuel explains this allegory in terms of the Jewish people’s complete connection to their Creator.
In his shiur on Parshat Teruma, Rabbi Reichman discusses the concept of the Mishkan as the physical representative of our connection to the One Above.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the meaning of the half shekel and what it represents.
In discussing this weeks`s parsha, Parshat Mishpatim, Rabbi Reichman relays the laws of a Jewish servant and provides a critical perspective on our relationship with G-d and the Torah.
In this Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Reichman discusses this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Mishpatim, in accordance with the interpretation of the Shem MiShmuel.
In his discussion on this week’s parsha, Parshat Yitro, Rabbi Hershel Reichman addresses the question of why the Torah was given on Shabbat.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the significance of various names of Yitro, Moshe Rabbeinu’s father in law. The names of Yitro teach us important elements of his spiritual makeup which affected Moshe and the entire Jewish People.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman talks about the position of Parshat Shekalim in the Jewish Calender and provides insight into the dual nature of our relationship with G-d.
In this shiur (Torah class) on this week’s parsha, Parshat Bo, Rabbi Reichman uses the interpretation of the Shem Mishmuel to expound on both our physical and spiritual freedom from Egypt.
In this shiur (Torah class) on Parshat Shemot, Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the fundamental question of whether the Jewish people deserved to be redeemed, or if it was an act of Divine Kindness.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman explores this week’s parsha, Parshat Vayigash, in which the confrontation between Yosef and Yehuda reveals two forms of leadership and service of G-d.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman expounds on the mystical source of Yosef’s unshakable faith.
In his class on this week’s parsha, Parshat Vayeishev, Rabbi Hershel Reichman explores Yaakov’s mission, which became the mission of the entire Jewish People: to gather the hidden sparks of holiness found in all corners of the world.
In this shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the function of the angels in heaven as well as the Jewish people’s mission in this world. Stemming from an explanation of Yaakov’s encounter with Eisav, this class presents a fundamental view of life’s purpose.
In this shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the Medrash which says that the angels of Yakov’s dream represent the four kingdoms which will subjugate the Jewish people. Based on the Shem MiShmuel’s understanding of this medrash, Rabbi Reichman explains how Yaakov Avinu paved the way for our survival in the trying times of exile.