The Mishkan and The Mikdash Parshat Vayikra
Posted onRabbi Hershel Reichman gives insight into Parshat Vayikra.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman gives insight into Parshat Vayikra.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses Parshat Vayikra.
Rabbi Hershel Riechman discusses Parshat Ki Tisa.
Rabbi Hershel Riechman discusses Parshat Ki Tisa.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman talks about the eved Ivri, the Jewish man sold into slavery to a fellow Jew, which is described in Parshat Mishpatim. The Torah helps rehabilitate and give him two paths to repentance.
Rabbi Hershel Riechman discusses Parshat Mishpatim.
Rabbi Hershel Riechman discusses Parshat Pekudei.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the power of prayer despite one’s own spiritual shortcomings.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the Nesivos Shalom’s essay of how one can overcome the yetzer hara, drawing on lessons found in Parshat Vayishlach.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains two forms of the Yetzer Hara and how one can defeat them both.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains why Yitzchak wanted to give Eisav the blessings.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains how the Teiva, the Ark, represents the power of surrounding ourselves with our community. By doing so, we are protected from the various outside negative influences.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains how Torah protects us throughout our lives.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses how one can find refuge from the overwhelming influence of the secular world.