Perek 142
Posted onIn this class, Rabbi David discusses Tehillim Perek 142.
Lottery of Life
Posted onWhy is the holiday of Purim named after Haman’s Lottery? Mrs. Shira Smiles describes the mindset of Haman and Amalek, who ascribe all events to mere chance, as opposed to the Jewish mindset of seeing the Divine plan in every event.
Posted onRebbetzin Tziporah Heller continues with a review of the Haggadah.
Dating and Marriage, Part 3
Posted onIn this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Shimon Isaacson and Dr. Edo Lavi discuss some of the many issues surrounding dating and marriage.
Perek 92, Part 2
Posted onIn his analysis on Tehillim, Perek 92, Rabbi Avishai David gives an analysis of the futuristic nature of the mizmor and its connection to Shabbat.
Perek 67
Posted onRabbi Avishai David shows how this mizmor (Tehillim Perek 67) is connected to Sefirat Haomer, and how the theme of the mizmor is reflected in its structure.
Perek 79 Part 2: Help and Salvation
Posted onIn this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David continues explicating Mizmor (Psalm) 79. The second part of the perek discusses Hashem’s Salvation of the Jewish Nation. Rabbi David discusses the difference between Ezer (help), and Yishua (Salvation). The class also analyzes Klal Yisrael’s obligation to constantly praise Hashem, and talks about the importance of a Tzadik (righteous person) dwelling in a community.
Hadlakat Nerot and Tosefet Shabbat
Posted onRabbi Shimon Isaacson continues with his class in Hilchot Shabbat. This week he discusses the laws of hadlakat nerot.
Hallel, Part 4: Kiddush Hashem
Posted onIn this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David continues his exploration of Hallel. This class analyzes Psalm 115, which asks Hashem to reveal His greatness, and remove the chillul Hashem that exists in the world because He hides Himself.
Demonstrations of the Melacha of Koshair
Posted onIn this Torah shiur (class) on practical applications of Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson demonstrates various situations relating to the prohibition of Koshair (Tying). This class utilized actual items that one may want to tie on Shabbat (such as a garbage bag, woman’s headscarf, etc.), and shows exactly how one may tie them on Shabbat.
Muktza, Part 4
Posted onIn this Torah shiur (class) on Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson continues to define the laws of Muktza, as they relate to a kli shemlachto l’heter (an object whose primary use in permitted on Shabbat) and muktza machmat chisaron kis (an object which is especially valuable).
Perek 13
Posted onRabbi Avishai David reviews the entire Perek and presents a difference in opinion of the Rabbis regarding “Ma’asim Simli’im”.
Perek 19: Yirmiyahu’s Suffering
Posted onIn this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David teaches perek (chapter) 19. Rabbi David begins with an examination of the Malbim, who suggests that Yirmiyahu was punished and hit because he did not fulfill the requirements of his prophesy exactly. Rabbi David discusses this issue thorugh the comments of the Nafesh Hachaim, the Abarbanel, and the Rambam in Morah Nevuchim (Guide to the Perplexed). Rabbi David ends the class with an examination of the pasuk that speaks of the korbanot (sacrifices) of the Jewish people of the time of Yirmiyahu, as they relate to Akeidat Yitzchak.
A Prophet’s Impact on his Prophesy
Posted onIn this Torah class on prophesy, Rabbi Avishai David continues his discussion of the Gemara Yoma 73, which states that a Navi’s predictions can be overturned, and the statement that no two Neviim prophesied in a similar style. Prophesy is unique in that is it both the word of G-d and also the words of the Navi.
Team Work
Posted onIn this class (shiur) Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the importance of team work in parenting
Mishnayot Brachot Perek Four
Posted onIn this shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman learns the fourth perek (chapter) of Mishnayot Brachot in memory of Yocheved Orpaz, 62, who was killed in a terror attack in the Chabad House of Mumbai, India.
Mishnayot Pesachim, Perek Four
Posted onIn this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the fourth Perek of Mishanyot Pesachim in memory of Ro’i ben Yaakov Roth, from Elkanah, Israel, who lost his life at the age of 18 during the terror attack on Yeshivat Merkaz Harav on Rosh Chodesh Adar bet, 5768.
The Makings of Mashiach
Posted onRebbetzin Heller discusses the last chapter in the Book of Ruth, which describes the unique process in which the Mashiach is brought into this world and its relevance for our own personal redemption.
The Acts of Chizkiyahu Hamelech
Posted onIn this class Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen discusses 2 acts done by Chizkiyahu Hamelch that were approved by Hashem
Tzefania, Perek 3
Posted onRabbi Hanoch Teller examines the third Perek of Tzefania.
Endless Circle
Posted onRabbi Moshe Weinberger continues learning the Alter Rebbe’s maamar (essay), Atem Nitzavim. In this section he discusses the concept of a circle, and its aplications in Jewish thought and life.
Cycle of Teshuva
Posted onMrs. Shira Smiles discusses how Succot is a continuation of the holidays that precede it, and how they are connected.
Parshat Tetzaveh: Paths to G-d
Posted onRebbetzin Tziporah Heller provides a short dvar Torah on Parshat Tetzaveh.
Agonut Part 1
Posted onIn this Torah class Dayan Shlomo Cohen starts the discussion of Agonut in Halacha
Tzefania, Perek 2
Posted onRabbi Hanoch Teller continues to the second Perek of Tzefania.
Knesses Yisrael
Posted onRabbi Moshe Weinberger continues learning the essay of Atem Nitzavim by the Alter Rebbe. The Rebbe discusses the concept of Knesses Yisrael, the entity of Yisrael, and how one can become part of this unit.
The Joy of Succot
Posted onRabbi Beinish Ginsburg outlines four reasons that we celebrate the holiday of Succot in the month of Tishrei, and explains how they relate to the Simcha (joy) of the holiday.
Parshat Terumah: The Mishkan Within Us
Posted onRebbetzin Heller provides a short thought on the weekly Torah parsha, Parshat Terumah.
Posted onIn this Torah class Dayan Shlomo Cohen discusses the Jewish Ethical questions regarding Ransom