
Perek 44, Part 1: Commitment Amidst Tragedy

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This video is class of 16 in the series Tehillim V.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David explicates perek (chapter) 44. The perek begins with an expression of Hakara Hatov (gratitude) to Hashem for all of His Kindness, specifically His Kindness to the Avot, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. In the second part of the perek, Dovid Hamelech bemoans the chillul Hashem (desecration of G-d’s Name) that occurs when the Jewish People are exiled form their land, Eretz Yisrael, yet proclaims our everlasting commitment to Hashem and His Torah despite the tragedy.


Hallel Part 5: Perek 115, Recognizing Hashem’s Blessings

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This video is class of 18 in the series Tehillim VII.

In this shiur (Torah class) on Tehillim Perek 115, Rabbi Avishai David continues to explain the mizmor. The Psalm begins on a troubled note, teaching that even in the midst of distress, there is a place for praise and prayer to Hashem. The theme of Hashem’s blessing is found throughout this chapter of Hallel, teaching that the world is available for our enjoyment, as long as we recognize Hashem as the ultimate Ruler of heaven and earth.

Hilchot Shabbat

More Koshair Demonstrations

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This video is class of 25 in the series Shabbat Scenarios.

In this Torah shiur (class) on the practical applications of Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson continues to demonstrate permitted and prohibited methods of tying on Shabbat. This class utilizes actual items that one may want to tie on Shabbat (such as a man’s tie, lace-up shoes, etc.), and shows exactly how one may tire them on Shabbat.


Perek 20: Unsuppressed Prophecy

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This video is class of 17 in the series Yirmiyahu III.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David teaches perek (chapter) 20. In this perek, we discuss how a G-d-given prophesy cannot be suppressed, whether the Navi wants to reveal it or not. The episode of Pashchur striking Yirmiyahu and putting him into jail, and Yirmiyahu’s response, is discussed as well.

Understanding Prophecy

Can a Prophesy Be Changed?

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This video is class of 30 in the series Nature of Prophesy.

In this Torah shiur on the nature of prophesy, Rabbi Avishai David surveys various places in Tanach (Scriptures) where there are contradictory prophesies, and how to understand them. The test of a true Navi is that his prophesies come true, yet the Gemara states that prophetic decrees can be overturned. Rabbi David explores this issue and resolves the difficulties.