Purim and Geulah
Posted onRabbetzin Heller discusses Purim, the party of our connection with Hashem, and our willingness to get closer.
Rabbetzin Heller discusses Purim, the party of our connection with Hashem, and our willingness to get closer.
In this class Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Pesach and Lail HaSeder.
Rabbi Avishai David explains the Torah message of Tehillim, Perek 149: G-d’s salvation is brought about through both the prayers and the physical efforts of His people.
In this class on perek 97 in Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David discusses the three themes that can be found throughout all of the six mizmorim of Kabbalat Shabbat. These themes are Hashem’s Kingship, His Justice, and all idol-worshipers’ ultimate recognition of Hashem’s Dominion.
In this Torah shiur (class) on Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David explains Perek 6, which is said during the Tachanun prayers at the end of Shacharit. Rabbi David describes the dialectic between the Amida of Shemoneh Esrai and the Tachanun that follows it. This demonstrates the interplay of Din and Chessed or Ahava and Yirah. Rabi David then discusses the power of the Tachanun prayer, based on various Gemaras and the commentary of the Bais Yosef.
Rabbi Shimon Isaacson discusses the obligation to cover the Challah during the recitation of Kiddush, whether Lechem Mishna is a Torah or Rabbinic obligation, and whether Lechem Mishna involves taking two loaves or cutting two loaves.
In this shiur (Torah class) on Sefer Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David continues explicating the chapters of Hallel. Chapter 118 contains the unique
aspect of repetition and dialogue, as the chazzan reads and the congregation responds to him. Rabbi David explains this phenomenon as
an echo of the kedusha and kaddish prayers. The goal of this perek is to increase Kiddush Hashem like the Kaddish and Kedusha in the tefillot.
In this Torah shiur (class) on the practical applications of Hilchot Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson introduces the Melachot (prohibited activities) of Kotev (writing) and Mochek (erasing), and demonstrates practical ramifications of this prohibition. This class utilizes actual items that one may want to use on Shabbat.
In this Torah shiur (class) on the laws of Shabbat, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson completes the topic of Muktza items, with a survey of the methods one may use to move a Muktza item, under specific conditions. This class primarily focuses on various ways one can utilize ’tiltul min hatzad’, indirectly moving an object.
Rabbi Avishai David delves into and explains Sefer Yirmiyahu perek 16, contrasting the Truth of Hashem with the uselessness of idol worship, and discussing the prophesies of future recognition of Hashem’s Sovereignty.
In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David discusses the content of Perek 23. Rabbi David compares the similarities and distinctions between Perek 23 and 33. In the class, Rabbi David describes the two types of Geula (redemption)- B’ita, in its proper time, and Achishena, before it’s time, as described in the Gemara Sanhedrin. Rabbi David explains the Malbim’s approach to the different types of redemption. The perek ends with a description of the false neviim, and the idea of Nevua (prophesy) as a Masa.
In this fascinating shiur on Nevua, prophesy, rabbi David lists and explains the twelve levels of prophesy as described by the Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim. These twelve levels fall into three categories: pre-Nevua, prophetic dreams, and prophetic visions. The prophesy of Moshe Rabbeinu is the highest level possible.
In this class (shiur) Rabbi Hershel Reichman discuses The 13 Attributes in connection to parenting.
In this class (shiur) Rabbi yitzchak Cohen gives an introduction to a new series Of Avos Derabbi Nasson
In this shiur (Torah class) Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the 10th Perek of Mishanyot Pesachim as a zchut for a complete and speedy recovery for Shimon ben Ruth and Eliyahu ben Miriam who were critically wounded in the attack on Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav on Rosh Chodesh Adar bet 5768.
Winding down his series on Trei Asar, Rabbi Hanoch Teller teaches the first perek of the Navi, Malachi. This class also discusses why in this world we rarely see retribution against the enemies of the Jews, and how to demonstrate true commitment to Hashem.
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger continues the maamar of Atem Nitzavim.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses Parshat BaMidbar and explains that in the Torah the holiness of a Jewish family is emphasized in a concrete way.
Rabbi Avishai David explains that, on Shavuot, we not only commemorate the giving of the Torah, but we also try to relive the experience itself. We re-experience the drama of our receiving the Torah at Sinai.
As an experienced shadchan, Rabbi Hanoch Teller shares his secrets for successful dating.
In this Torah class Dayan shlomo Cohen discusses the aspects of Suicide in Halacha
In this Torah shiur (class) on the Selichot prayers, Rabbi Avishai David explicates the Selichot, specifically the themes of repentance and forgiveness. One of the main themes of the Selichos is that our neshama is incorruptable, and we must use this opportunity to return the part of ourselves that remains pure despite our sins.
In this class, Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses that we cannot get caught up only in the technical requirements of counting each night of the Omer and the customs of mourning during this time. Sefirat Haomer is a time for spiritual accounting in preparation for receiving the Torah, specifically in the areas of loving one’s fellow man and increasing our consciousness of G-d.
Rabbi Avishai David discusses Tehillim Perek 137, and presents a vivid description of the Churban and our yearning for Yerushalayim.
Rebbetzin Heller provides an overview and explanation of the Book of Esther.
In this Torah class Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen Explains the Tales of our Forefathers as written in the Sefer Avos D’rabbi Nosson
Rabbi Hanoch Teller continues his series on Trei Asar, going on in his explanation of the prophesies of the Navi Zecharia.
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger continues learning the maamar Atem Nitzavim by the Alter Rebbe. In this segment, he discusses the idea of seeking out G-d with the deepest depths of one’s heart.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the holiday of Sukkot.
Parshat Bamidbar presents the story of how the Jewish people received the Torah in the desert. There, we were removed from any outside societal influence. We learn from this how to define ourselves in today’s society.