
Perek 96

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This video is class of 12 in the series Tehillim IV.

In this class on Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David explains how perek 96 is a continuation and intensification of the previous perek, Tehillim 95. He also focuses on the unique role of the number seven which appears in this chapter.


Perek 26 Part 2: Behavioral Teshuva

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This video is class of 16 in the series Tehillim V.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David continues his analysis of chapter 26. Rabbi David describes the structure of the perek, and delves into some of its themes, such as the inner worth of every Jew, repeating positive behaviors as the key to repentance, and how to approach Hashem in prayer


Perek 17: Striking a Balance – Bitachon and Hishtadlut

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This video is class of 12 in the series Yirmiyahu II.

In this shiur on the 17th chapter of Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David talks about the different levels of Bitachon, Trust in G-d, as mentioned by Yirmiyahu Hanavi. Rabbi David includes the famous disagreement of the Rambam and the Ramban about effectiveness of modern medicine, and the contrasting opinions of Rabbenu Bachya and R’Avraham ben HaRambam regarding Bitachon. Rabbi David explains that the balance of Bitachon and Hishtadlut is the realization that ultimately, one’s salvation is entirely in the Hands of Hashem.