Understanding Prophecy

Prophetic Studies

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This video is class of 30 in the series Nature of Prophesy.

In this Torah class (shiur) on prophesy, Rabbi Avishai David describes the phenomenon of the ‘b’nei hanevi’im’, the student of the Neviim, who worked to try and attain the level of prophesy. Rabbi David also discusses the unique relationship of Eliyahu and Elisha, and ends with a description of the difficulties and challenges that prophets faced from the Jewish people.

Hilchot Shabbat

Borer, Part 6

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This video is class of 25 in the series Shabbat Scenarios.

In this interactive Torah shiur (class) on Hilchot Shabbat Rabbi Simon Isaacson and Dr. Edo Lavi demonstrate the principles and practical applications of the Melacha of Borer, separating. The class uses real objects and examples from typical home life in illustrating the halachot (laws).

Parshat Matot-Masei

Priorities – Parshat Mattot-Masei

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This video is class of 23 in the series Short Vorts.

Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses this week’s parsha, Parshat Mattot-Masei. In this shiur, she speaks about how the tribes of Reuven and Gad wanted to settle by the Jordan river for the sake of their children. G-d blessed them with lots of cattle and it was therefore through taking care of their cattle that they served G-d. But, we must not lose focus that our children take precedence over everything.

Understanding Prophecy

The Navi as Leader

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This video is class of 30 in the series Nature of Prophesy.

In this Torah class on the nature of prophesy, Rabbi Avishai David describes the various leadership roles presented in the Torah. The Jewish people are led by the Melech (king), the Sanhedrin (Supreme Court of Jewish Judges), the Cohen Gadol (High Priest), and by the Navi (prophet). This shiur focuses on the unique relationship and interaction between a Navi and Melech.