
Chometz: Moving Beyond Self

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This video is class 35 of 68 in the series Pesach: Birth of a Nation.

In this Torah shiur (class) on the holiday of Pesach, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller speaks about the meaning of chometz, the deeper role of the Halachot (laws) pertaining to it, and how one can internalize the lessons of removing chometz and move beyond ‘self’.

Dedicated in memory of Jacob and Laura Elbirt, by their daughter Paula Elbirt.

Understanding Prophecy

Role of the Navi

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This video is class 29 of 30 in the series Nature of Prophesy.

In this Torah shiur (class) on the nature of Prophesy, Rabbi Avishai David explains the various roles a Navi fills in society. The prophet must inspire and guide the people to correct wrongdoings and strengthen mitzvot and halachot that have weakened. The impact of the Navi is felt because of the force of his personality and charisma. However, this magnetism stems from his perfection of character and self-development.