
The Symbols of Pesach

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This video is class of 68 in the series Pesach: Birth of a Nation.

In this Torah shiur (class) on the holiday of Pesach, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson looks at some of the symbols used at the Seder, such as the matza, called lechem oni, and the charoset. Rabbi Isaacson also discusses the seeming interruption of Hallel for Shulchan Orech, the eating of the festive meal.

Parshat Matot-Masei

Parshat Mattot-Masei

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This video is class of 22 in the series Living the Parsha 5767.

Based on the verses in the Book of Numbers, it seems as if the tribes of Reuben and Gad placed more importance on their livestock than their children. Through an in-depth analysis and exploration of the text as well as various commentaries, we will understand the mistake these tribes made, their true intentions, as well as the tremendous lessons that may be derived from this narrative regarding priorities in life.