
Can One Fulfill the Obligation of Reciting Kriat Shema through a Proxy?

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This video is class of 110 in the series Intermediate Gemara: Masechet Brachot.

Rabbi N. Reichman explores a disagreement among the Rishonim about whether one can fulfill his obligation to recite Kriat Shema through a proxy. The key to understanding this machloket is to understand the Talmudic principle of “Shomei’a K’oneh”, or “Hearing is considered making a statement”.

Parshat Vayeira


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This video is class of 26 in the series Living the Parsha 5768.

Mrs. Shira Smiles explores the episode of the angels’ promise to Avraham and Sarah that they will be blessed with a son. Shira Smiles clarifies this difficult-to-understand episode with both the classical understanding and with the novel approach of the Belzer Rebbe.


Joyful Trust

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This video is class of 11 in the series Bitachon: Meaning of Trust.

In this shiur (Torah class) on the meaning of trust, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses how One who trusts in G-d is always filled with joy at His kindness to us. Rebbetzin Heller explains the above concept by beginning to teach the Gate of Joy of the Orchot Tzaddikim.


The Unsung Hero

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This video is class of 27 in the series Inspired Lives.

Rabbi Hanoch Teller recounts the untold story of Reb Itche Gerstenkorn, a Chassid from Warsaw, who was the Founder and Builder of the Torah City in Bnei Brak. In this shiur, Rabbi Teller discusses the intriguing details of the practical building of the city.