Posted onIn this Torah shiur (class) Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller asks: When the feeling of anxiety surfaces, is it always from distrust of Hashem? Rebbetzin Heller sheds light on this question.
In this Torah shiur (class) Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller asks: When the feeling of anxiety surfaces, is it always from distrust of Hashem? Rebbetzin Heller sheds light on this question.
Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses this weeks Torah portion, Parshat Beshalach.
Rabbi Avishai David focuses on the theme of Perek 7 in Sefer Yirmiyahu.
Continues the in depth look at Jacob’s Dream.
Redemption from slavery in Egypt freed us from purposeless work to embrace a life of purpose with the Torah. Achieving happiness is a battle of self control. Rabbi Teller discusses how reducing expectations, and feeling gratitude for what we have, will lead us to realize true appreciation, and this will put us on the road to living a life full of happiness. That is real liberation. Available online in streaming video. To purchase mp3 downloads of Rabbi Teller’s classes, go to
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman examines the question of whether one may eat before reciting Shema.
Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen elaborates on the application of ‘nekius’ in midot.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller explains how one develops the midah of bitachon and keeps it as one keeps a mitzvah. Rebbetzin Heller suggests specific and practical ways to respond to a situation in a manner that illustrates bitachon is at least “in the background.”
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller explains how our ‘choseness’ is different from the centrality of ‘Esav’ in the world’s spiritual evolution.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman discusses whether or not David Hamelech viewed himself as a Chassid, and whether a prophecy can be altered.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Bo. As the Jews left Egypt, they received gold, silver, and many valuables from the Egyptians. Mrs. Smiles explores this episode and its significance,and discusses the proper perspective to material possesions.
In his continued discussion on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David speaks about how this Perek is the fulcrum of Perakim 5-9.
Shira Smiles speaks about how the stones were used as a protection, as well as the symbolism of the ladder.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman expounds on David Hamelech’s righteousness.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman discusses the topic of Milchemet Reshut.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller explains how each Jew has a distinct role to play in the collective destiny of the Jewish people and how each role must be performed on behalf of our brethren.
In his continued discussion on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David demonstrates the structure of perakim 5-9. In addition, he discusses the false sense of security encouraged by the leaders of Yirmiyahu’s time, who assured the population that the Temple would never be destroyed.
In his discussion of the Mesillat Yesharim, Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen elaborates on the application of ‘nekius’ in speech.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman explores the issue of discussing Torah in front of the dead.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller describes how the Chafetz Chaim captured the heart of the Jewish nation even when he was alive.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Va-eira. The story of the Jews’ enslavement in Egypt can be seen through the lense of developing proper middot (character traits), especially that of hakarak hatov (gratitude).
In his discussion on this week’s parsha, Parshat Vaeira, Rabbi Reichman uses the interpretation of the Shem MiShmuel to explain a puzzling Midrash (Oral Torah explanation) regarding Moshe’s role in our redemption from slavery in Egypt.
Mrs. Shira Smiles explains how Yaakov placed the stones, and the symbolism of the argument between them.
In this Torah class (shiur), Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller asks the question: are we obligated to expend effort in order to achieve desired results, or can we rely on Hashem to provide for us? Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller delves into this question, using the Torah ideas of the Maharal, Rav Dessler, and others.
In his discussion on this week’s parsha, Parshat Vaeira, Rabbi Hershel Reichman talks about how the Torah describes the increasing hardship of the slavery in Egypt in order to increase the Jewish People’s loyalty to G-d and their leader Moshe Rabbeinu.
In his discussion on this week’s parsha, Parshat Shemot, Rabbi Hershel Reichman presents a perplexing conversation in the Torah that takes place between G-d and Moshe Rabbeinu, by the burning bush. Rabbi Reichman uses the interpretation of the Shem Mishmuel to delve into the deeper meaning of the exchange.
In his discussion on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David does an overview of Perakim 5 & 6, and then contrasts the two.
In his discussion on the Mesillat Yesharim, Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen explains that Nekius means keeping a distance from any hint of dishonesty or stealing.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller continues his discussion on the life of Reb Chaim Shmuelevitz.