Parshat Vayikra: Giving for G-d
Posted onIn this Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses Moshe’s unique characteristic- his ability to give all for the Almighty.
In this Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses Moshe’s unique characteristic- his ability to give all for the Almighty.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller describes Sarah’s life, names, tzniut, her relationship to Hagar, her laughter, and her death.
In this Torah shiur (class) Rabbi Hershel Reichman discusses the Shem Mishmuel which compares Moshe and Aharon’s styles of leadership and spirituality, invoking lessons of our own spiritual methods.
The Mesillat Yesharim discusses how to perform the mitzvot, in order to achieve the level of chassidut.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman discusses the Gemara that Hashem prays, as it states, “I shall gladden them in the house of my prayer.”
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller finishes her discussion of Megillat Esther, and reviews the four mitzvot of Purim.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller concludes her discussion of Chava, and begins to examine Sarah.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman explains the reward one gets for learning Torah.
Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen teaches the nineteenth Perek of Mesillat Yesharim and discusses how to perform the mitzvot and the thoughts involved in this performance.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman discusses the proper way to exit a shul.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller speaks about ‘hester panim’, hashgacha, and the effect of Tzadikim on their generation.
In this short shiur (Torah class), Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller moves on from discussing women in general, to discussing Chava as a unique person.
Mrs. Smiles discusses the goal of each of the four Parshiyot read between Adar and Nissan, and reveals the goal of Parshat Shekalim.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman discusses the importance of designating a place for prayer.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman discusses the nature of Hashem’s Tefillin.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller introduces the class topic, and discusses what being human is about, and why Hashem divided Adam into two segments.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller explains how Esther became the epitome of Midat Malchut (characteristic of kingship), and why she needed preparation for this role.
Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen teaches the next step of Chassidut in Mesillat Yesharim which teaches us about going beyond what is expected and reaching greater heights than before.
In this shiur (Torah class), Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller introduces the class topic, and discusses what being human is about, and why Hashem divided Adam into two segments.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller speaks about the nature of doing Teshuva by looking at the methods used by Esther and Mordechai.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman discusses whether it is preferable to daven in a shul or in a minyan, and then goes on to discuss the Tosfot regarding Tefillin Shel Rosh.
Mrs. Smiles explores the symbolism of the coat of the Kohen Gadol, which was edged with bells and pomegranates.
Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen discusses the next step of Mesillat Yesharim which involves Tahara, purifying our actions and thoughts
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman examines the halacha that states that one must not have an object between himself and the wall while davening.
In perek 3, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller examines Hashem’s Hashgacha, the purpose of Amalek, and the spiritual forces at battle.
In this Parsha, the famous Chet Ha-egel, Sin of the Golden Calf, was committed. Mrs. Smiles discusses Aaron’s role in this event, and talks about the power of Teshuva.
Rabbi Cohen continues with Perek 14 of Mesillat Yesharim, detailing various instances of prishus.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman explores Aba Binyamin’s statement that davening was the first act of the day before working or studying Torah.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller examines Perek 2, with an introduction to Mordechai and Esther, and a deepening of our understanding of the galut, exile, and the specific roles of Haman and Mordechai.