In Memorial: Response to Tragedy

Mishnayot Taanit, Perek 1

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This video is class of 4 in the series Mishnayot Taanit.

In the first chapter on Mishnayot Taanit, the Rabbis describe praying for rain in Israel, and the procedure for declaring public fasts and days of repentance during times of drought in memory of Batsheva bat Nechama Unterman, a 33 year old kindergarten teacher from Jerusalem, who was killed by an Arab terrorist on Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5768, in the infamous Jerusalem Bulldozer Attack.

Jewish Unity

The Mitzvah of Rebuke

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This video is class of 5 in the series Collective Soul: Perspectives on Jewish Unity.

Rabbi Shimon Isaacson develops the theme of Jewish Unity and collective responsibility with a discussion of the requirement to rebuke one’s fellow Jew when he transgresses a Torah law. Rabbi Isaacson speaks about both the Halachot and the Hashkafot, perspectives, that one should have, especially in a case where one knows that his rebuke will be ignored.

Chassidut on the Parsha

Parshat Matot: The Power of Speech

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In this class on Parshat Matot, Rabbi Hershel Reichman talks about the Shem Mishmuel’s discussion of the Torah law permitting personal vows and promises. These personal nedarim do not violate the commandment not to add any commandments to the Torah. The Shem Mishmuel develops this discussion into an exposition on the power of any words uttered by a Jew. Included in this shiur is a discourse on the two types of holiness, individual and communal, and the two types of Jewish leaders described by the Shem Mishmuel.

Women in Tanach

The Power of the Jewish Woman

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This video is class of 13 in the series In the Merit of Righteous Women.

In her final shiur (Torah class), on Righteous Women in Tanach, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller reviews the characteristics of some special women, showing how today’s Jewish woman can reach for these levels as well. Included in this class are a discussion on how to bring people together in marriage, the importance of Jewish burial, and the distinct categories of the righteous women discussed in the course.

Basic laws and customs

In the Ways of Gentiles

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This video is class of 15 in the series Practical Judaism.

Regarding dressing in the morning, the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch states the prohibition of dressing in the ways of the Gentiles. Rabbi Jacobson expands on this concept with numerous examples to provide a complete picture of the prohibition of “bechukoseihem lo teilechu”. Included in this class is a discussion on Thanksgiving dinners and the special laws applying to left-handed people.

Jewish Unity

Ahavat Yisrael: What is One’s Obligation?

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This video is class of 5 in the series Collective Soul: Perspectives on Jewish Unity.

Is loving one’s fellow Jew an obligation from the Torah? Rabbi David explores this topic, tracing the mitzvot relating to Ahavat Yisrael starting from the pesukim in the Torah. He then discusses the comments of the Rambam and the Ktav V’Hakaballah on the application of these mitzvot, including examples of the levels of Ahavat Yisrael that were reached by great Jews like R’ Aryeh Levine.


Perek 5

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This video is class of 5 in the series Megilat Eicha.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the final perek of the megilla. In this chapter, Yirmiyahu speaks of the helpless, weakened state of the Jewish people under the ravages of the Churban. He states that it is the destruction of the Temple, not the physical suffering of the Jews, that is the greatest source of sorrow. The megilla ends with a plea to Hashem to return His people to their former glory, for they have suffered enough.


Perek 4

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This video is class of 5 in the series Megilat Eicha.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller talks of the terrible hunger that existed in the time of the Churban, and of the supernatural strength of the enemy, bent on destroying the Jewish People. The perek ends on a positive note, stating that the suffering of the Jewish Nation will soon end, while her enemies will receive retribution for their wickedness.


Perek 1: The Bereft Widow

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This video is class of 5 in the series Megilat Eicha.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller begins her class on Eicha, the Book of Lamentations, with a verse-by-verse explanation of Perek Alef. Included in the shiur are a description of the Megilla’s nature and purpose, a depiction of the failures that led to the Churban, and a discussion of how we can feel the Churban today.