Tehillim 103 and the 13 Midot of Chesed
Posted onTehillim 103 and the 13 Midot of Chesed
Tehillim 103 and the 13 Midot of Chesed
In this Totah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses how to discuss the Sader with your children
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Goleib discusses the 4 sons in the Haggada
Korach – the matzah and marror eatten together. what does this mean?
Balance, Bitachon and the pit in your belly!
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It’s unanimous, trust never replaces hard work!
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Sit back, relax and Hashem will NOT provide.
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In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the Holiday of Purim
Purim and Teshuva – Quote from Tikunei Zohar
How is Purim is like Yom Kippur
Hard work. Trust. Predetermined income. Unscrambling the confusion, contradiction and complexity.
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Critical questions: How much and to whom?
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Haman’s Mistake: What turned Haman’s happiness
into Simchas Purim?
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the month of Adar
Tehillim 63 – My Soul Thirsts for You
Buffet’s promise…
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Imagine a borehole that pumps out gold and silver… and dveikus to Hashem simultaneously! It’s in your hands to dig it!
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Tehillim 45
Psalms 53 and 14 – Comparison of Unidentical Twins
Psalm 58 – Epigram Poem
Torah Wealth 101. It’s a plunge… with a guarantee!
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The end of Sefer Vayikra: Turning curses into blessings.
Shekalim – Message for Purim – not just a party
The weightiest mitzvah of them all…
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In this Torah class Rebbetzin Heller-Gotlieb continues discussing the book of Mishlei
Discovering the essence of being a Jew by exploring the Chagim.